Chapter 228 Warehouse District

The people brought by Juncheng broke up and joined Wu Yan'an's team smoothly in several waves. Although they were only peripheral, they could provide Luo Xiaran with some movement.

Taking advantage of the time before departure, Luo Xiaran focused on investigating Jin Feiya, and finally found that this Jin Feiya was different from her.Not to mention the difference in appearance between the two, even in terms of personality, they are also very different.

I don't know why, but after investigating these things, Luo Xiaran felt a little conflicted in her heart, but she also breathed a sigh of relief.One is because no one is deceived by Wu Yanan's sweet words like her, and the other is because of her own stupidity.

But thinking about it, even if Wu Yan'an's flaws were discovered, Luo Xiaran, who was deeply in love, couldn't help but excuse Wu Yan'an.So in the final analysis, Wu Yanan was responsible, and so was Luo Xiaran.

When Wu Yan'an's side was ready, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie stayed behind Wu Yan'an's team, left Juncheng in the safe zone, joined forces with Pang Wei, and took the opportunity to annihilate Wu Yan'an's family guards.

Wu Yanan's final destination is the warehouse area located in Qiulin. Qiulin is one of the trading areas in City H. There are not only large and small shopping malls, supermarkets, bookstores, etc. in the surrounding area, but also clothing wholesale, daily necessities wholesale, seafood wholesale, etc. .So in Qiulin, there is a large logistics center, and the goods are generally piled up in the warehouse area.

It’s not that no one had the idea of ​​Qiulin before, but because of the prosperous business, there are naturally many people in the car, no matter whether it’s a holiday or not, the flow of people shopping and leisure can reach tens of thousands, not to mention that there are many sales services in each store personnel.

The heat and bitter cold caused a large number of survivors to die, and the safe zone was in chaos for a while. After it settled down, the struggle for power began again.In the end, if it wasn't for the chief of the police station with many weapons, Wu Yan'an successfully became the leader of the safety zone for himself and for the chief of the police station, so he once again moved his thoughts to Qiulin.

After all, Wu Yan'an didn't know when the heavy snowfall would end. The person who explored the road had already replied to the message. Although the zombies in the mall were still active, at least there was no danger of zombie attacks on the road except for the piled up vehicles.

Luo Xiaran was not clear about Wu Yanan's plans, but before heading to Qiulin, Luo Xiaran went back to the inn on purpose.Put most of the materials used for trading in the system backpack into the warehouse in the inn, and then followed the opponent closely with fifteen empty grids.

Anyway, he was going out for a trip, so naturally Luo Xiaran would not waste time and gasoline in vain.Moreover, although the materials in Qiulin are not as good as the previous ports, they are also in large quantities, which can always add a lot of income to her inn.

After all, there are many materials that are non-renewable resources, and what the inn can produce are basically ancient items, such as silkworm weaving and grain wine.Even if it is a piece of paper, the ancient papermaking technique is used, even if it is time-consuming, the quality of the paper is not as good as the white paper used today.Not to mention plastic products and metal products, the system does not provide these options at all.

Luo Xiaran can't promote the progress of technology, so he can only collect as many materials as possible.Even if it wasn't for other survivors and guests, their family and even the people around them would still need it, wouldn't they?

The most important point was that Luo Xiaran lacked items in her hands, and it was too late to copy enough Chinese medicinal materials for the preparations before the apocalypse, not to mention that she didn't know medical skills.And in the past in Qiulin District, it happened to be the largest pharmaceutical factory No. [-] in H City...

 Scheduled release~ I found that there were several recommendations missing yesterday ╮(╯▽╰)╭


(End of this chapter)

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