Chapter 230 Undercover Retreat
After rushing for a few days, the first thing Wu Yanan and his party needed was to rest.After choosing a supermarket, the team entered a rest period.The first team entered the supermarket to clean up the danger, while the rest of the team began to get busy according to the division of labor.

Wearing a military overcoat, Wu Yan'an looked a little bloated, but without compromising his handsomeness, he got out of the car.Immediately behind Wu Yan'an was a tall woman. Although she was tightly wrapped, she had light makeup on her face, and she was charming and tired, snuggling into Wu Yan'an's arms.

Through the binoculars, Luo Xiaran could clearly see the expressions on the faces of Wu Yan'an and Wu Yan'an, and Wu Yan'an kissed the woman's cheek comfortingly. Without verification, Luo Xiaran knew that this woman was Jin Feiya.

In the safe zone before, Luo Xiaran didn't have the opportunity to have direct contact with Jin Feiya, at most she saw Jin Feiya's back.But now that I saw it with my own eyes, I realized that she was indeed the kind of woman that men liked.

With a plump and tall figure, exquisite facial features, and a high EQ, compared to her innocent self back then, Luo Xiaran felt that it was not surprising that Wu Yanan was looking for such a woman.

Although I was a little puzzled as to why Wu Yan'an didn't bring Jinfeiya, a space power user, with him in his previous life, but after thinking about it, it was probably because Wu Yan'an still needed her at that time, so he wouldn't do that kind of thing openly. Let Luo Xiaran doubt things.

Most of the people entered the supermarket. After all, they had traveled for several days, and everyone hoped to find something hot to eat in the supermarket.Because Qiulin was the hardest-hit area after the zombie outbreak, they felt that they would not be cleaned up too cleanly.

And Luo Xiaran also put away the binoculars after the other party entered the supermarket.She didn't plan to do it so soon, there were still a lot of supplies in those stores, and Luo Xiaran was not ready to catch them by surprise when the other party was almost packed.

Although Jinfeiya is a space power user, Luo Xiaran doesn't think that Jinfeiya can load all the supplies, otherwise Wu Yan'an would not drive so many trucks and vans back.

Before acting, Luo Xiaran still needs to bring out his own people in the team, otherwise it will be bad if he accidentally hurts his own people.The most important thing was Cheng Yan. His dark ability was also very convenient for sneak attacks.

Speaking of which, since Luo Xiaran rejected Cheng Yan's affection, Cheng Yan basically didn't take the initiative to appear in front of Luo Xiaran.Luo Xiaran wasn't sure if Jun Lie had done something, but it made her feel a little relieved.

Luo Xiaran couldn't give up Cheng Yan's ability, but if the other party did something because of emotional entanglements, it would also make Luo Xiaran feel very annoyed.If possible, Luo Xiaran certainly didn't want to break up with Cheng Yan.

Informing Jun Lie to notify the 'undercover' in the team to find a chance to retreat, Luo Xiaran took Jun Lie back to the building.Even though the cold winter is coming to an end, the temperature outside is still around minus [-] degrees, not to mention the cold wind, she can't compare to Jun Lie, a fire-type supernatural being.

Wu Yan'an was unaware of Luo Xiaran's actions.At this time, he was taking the opportunity of taking a break to practice abilities with Jinfeiya. Jinfeiya's space ability is about to reach level three. Wu Yanan felt that if he could upgrade as soon as possible, he could bring back more things this time. .

Although Jinfeiya's space ability has never been concealed, only he and Jinfeiya know the specific size, and there is no equipment that can test how many materials are in the space of the ability user, so this operation finally brought it back How much supplies, or does he have the final say?
 Regular release~
(End of this chapter)

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