Chapter 231 Launch Action
When night fell, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, who had finished their dinner, observed the situation in the supermarket again.Because of the unknown suppression, Luo Xiaran was unable to detect the specific situation of Wu Yan'an.However, because of this, Luo Xiaran confirmed that Wu Yan'an was not a person with psychic abilities, but was practicing with a meteorite.

Although I don't know how many meteorites are left, but according to Luo Xiaran's previous experience, there should be about half of the meteorite in Wu Yan'an's hand.

Due to the size of meteorites and the wear and tear after cultivating their abilities, it was a waste of Wu Yan'an's efforts to improve the abilities of his team members to gain a firm foothold in the safe zone.

It is not so easy for Luo Xiaran to get the meteorite.First of all, if the meteorite was stored in Jinfeiya's space, Luo Xiaran would not be able to get it unless Jinfeiya took it out by herself.Her current psychic ability can affect Jinfeiya's actions unless it is paired with a hallucinogenic drug. Unfortunately, Luo Xiaran does not have that kind of prohibited drug in hand.

Of course, compared to revenge, the attraction of meteorites to Luo Xiaran can only be ranked second.So after the fire in the supermarket gradually faded, the eight people lurking in Wu Yanan's team had quietly joined Luo Xiaran.

Except for Cheng Yan, the other seven people were fire-type abilities, ice-type abilities, and earth-type abilities.These types of supernatural beings are not afraid of the severe cold, and they can also surprise them when they sneak attack.

Two o'clock in the morning was when everyone was most tired and unprepared. Luo Xiaran specially set the alarm clock, led everyone to rest until the time was up, and then began to issue orders one by one.

The eight lurking people have basically figured out the followers who are loyal to Wu Yan'an and will not betray, and their target tonight is these people.

As long as Luo Xiaran moves these people, it will definitely startle the snake.Next, Wu Yan'an stepped up his precautions and collected supplies as soon as possible. Although it would not cause panic, it could also cause tension among the team members. It is only natural for people to make mistakes when they are nervous.What's more, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie both set traps on the road, which doomed Wu Yan'an's mission to fail this time, and there was no return.

The alarm clock sounded like a death call.Several people put on black down jackets, Tang Dao on their backs, and guns with silencers pinned to their waists, and then launched a revenge action.

From the retreat route of the previous few people, Luo Xiaran's ten people quietly rolled into the supermarket through the window.The soles of the shoes are wrapped with a thick layer of sanitary napkins, and there is no sound of footsteps when walking.

Maybe no one noticed that someone was leaving, and they had checked the doors and windows in the supermarket before, so they didn't notice that there were more people in the supermarket.And due to exhaustion, the night watchman did not move around, but just guarded in front of the charcoal fire at the entrance. The warm charcoal fire made people drowsy and wanted to fall asleep.

But just when Luo Xiaran and his group were about to go upstairs to the place where Wu Yanan and the others and the core members of the team lived.The sound of footsteps came from the stairs, and the 'da da da' made people's heart beat faster.

Looking around, the corridors that have been cleaned up appear to be very empty, and there is no suitable place to hide.Luo Xiaran frowned slightly, and then tentatively revealed her mental strength.

Fortunately, this time her mental strength was not hindered, Luo Xiaran had no time to guess why, and suddenly attacked the man who got up at night on the stairs.

 Timely release~ If you like it, please collect it, if you don't like it, just ignore it~
(End of this chapter)

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