Chapter 234 Playing Slowly

After resting for about two hours, Luo Xiaran woke up.The staff lounge is not soundproof, so although the footsteps outside are subtle, it also makes Luo Xiaran feel upset.

Turning over to get up, he found that Jun Lie, who was supposed to be lying beside him, was missing.Stretching out his mental strength and looking out, he saw that the other party was sending something with a communicator 'beep beep'.

Put a basin of cold water to wash up, the cold feeling made her drowsy brain wake up a lot.As soon as he walked out of the room, Jun Lie raised his head and looked at her, and then said: "Wake up, I made millet porridge, you should drink some first."

The basement floor of Qiulin Commercial Building is a large supermarket, so even if Luo Xiaran falls asleep, the rest of them will not be without food.Although Luo Xiaran used the materials in the commercial building as bait, but if she took a little bit, she would still not be discovered.

While Luo Xiaran was resting, several other passionate men had already walked back and forth in the commercial building.If they were not worried that they would be noticed if they did too much, they might have cleaned up the remaining zombies in the commercial building.

Luo Xiaran didn't care what the men thought, and sat beside Jun Lie, drinking porridge with no appetite, while asking, "How is the other side?" If Jun Lie hadn't said that he cooked the porridge , Luo Xiaran might really not eat anything.

"Someone just got up, and there is no big movement yet." Because the distance is too far, they can only monitor with binoculars, and several of their undercover people have withdrawn, so it is not easy to obtain the other party's movements.

"Well, let's let them hang out for a day, and when the commercial building is cleaned, we will start to act. If you have nothing to do during the day, study and study the passages in the commercial building. It will be fun if they keep their spirits tense." The spoon stirred every now and then. Sipping millet porridge, Luo Xiaran raised the corner of her mouth and said.

Although Wu Yan'an's character might not be intimidating, her purpose is to shake those who are not firmly following Wu Yan'an.Luo Xiaran didn't plan to kill, and if someone escaped, it would save Luo Xiaran some trouble.

"Okay." Hearing this, the men nodded, then left space for Luo Xiaran and the two of them, and left quietly.Even Cheng Yan turned his head away without any hesitation, lowering his head and wondering what he was thinking.

After the others left, Jun Lie continued to speak: "Juncheng has already succeeded, Wu Yan'an's power in the base has been disintegrated, and Pang Wei will take over the site. What are you going to do next?"

"Well, don't do anything for the time being. I'm not going to get rid of Wu Yan'an so soon. I have to make him feel like he always has nothing when he goes back." Luo Xiaran smiled lightly, but her eyes were full of malice.

"Okay." Hearing this, Jun Lie smiled back.Although Luo Xiaran's methods were cruel, in Jun Lie's view, it was nothing.After all, if someone dared to deceive him like this, he would probably make the other party die.

It wasn't until the millet porridge in the bowl was completely cool that Luo Xiaran drank it in two or three gulps.Now is not the time to waste food, even if she has no appetite, Luo Xiaran will not waste it.Although Jun Lie on the side looked like he wanted to finish eating for her, Luo Xiaran was not going to give him this chance.

Standing up and holding the binoculars, Luo Xiaran came to the window and looked at the hurrying team on the opposite side. Luo Xiaran said word by word: "Don't worry, let's play slowly..."

 Timely release~ Only soft knives will hurt. Hey~ Don't worry, simmer slowly~
(End of this chapter)

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