Chapter 235
Wu Yan'an and his party were left alone for two full days, while Luo Xiaran and the others had already placed countless traps, large and small, in the Qiulin Commercial Building, waiting for the prey to come.

During the two days, although the unsteady members of Wu Yan'an's team wavered a bit, they did not act irrationally.But if you think about it, if you can't do this, Wu Yan'an won't take the risk of bringing people out.

Luo Xiaran was just teasing Wu Yan'an and the others, so even if she didn't achieve her goal, she was not disappointed.Anyway, the seeds have been planted, and there will be other actions waiting in the future, so why rush for a while.

However, the speed of Wu Yan'an and his team was really slow enough. It took two days to clean up the five stores closest to Qiulin Commercial Building.According to the observations of Luo Xiaran and the others, the other party adhered to the Sanguang policy, and even the curtains used in this way, the carpet on the floor, or the paper shells from the grocery store were all packed and put into the car.

These things were not taken into the space by Jin Feiya, and Luo Xiaran guessed that it was probably because these things were not what Wu Yanan needed, and Jin Feiya's space was not large enough for her to restrain them regardless.

I ate a few big steamed buns for breakfast. Due to the inconvenience of raising the fire, the problem of heating the food was taken care of by the fire ability, so those who brought soup and water, they ate less in the past two days.

After several people had finished their breakfast, the people on the opposite side also started a new busy day.Seeing that the opponent was getting closer and closer to her side, Luo Xiaran rolled up her long hair and said to a few people: "Thanks for your hard work, everyone. I hope you can ensure your own safety during the process of killing the enemy. You all worked hard Cultivated, don't waste your life on small things."

Because several people are busy working for Luo Xiaran's selfishness, Luo Xiaran doesn't want anyone to be here.What's more, the cultivation of supernatural beings also requires enough crystal nuclei. If these people have anything, it will be a loss to both Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran.

Yes, at this time Luo Xiaran already considered herself and Jun Lie as one in her heart, so Jun Lie's people are also hers, so naturally they can't be wasted.Furthermore, based on the abilities of these people, they shouldn't lose their lives for nothing because of a trivial incident.

"Yes, Miss Luo, don't worry." Several people agreed unanimously, if Jun Lie hadn't told them in private, this sentence might have become 'Don't worry, sister-in-law'.

After watching the few people disperse and act separately, Luo Xiaran stepped on her feet and gave Jun Lie a light kiss, and said, "I'll wait for you on the top floor, come up when you've had enough fun."

Because of Luo Xiaran's concerns, Jun Lie couldn't touch Wu Yan'an, so he was also full of anger.Luo Xiaran saw it clearly, so she didn't stop the other party from attacking the people around Wu Yan'an, not to mention Jun Lie's fighting power is so tyrannical, it would be a waste of time to stay with him all the time.

Of course, Jun Lie couldn't let Luo Xiaran go so easily. The scorching kiss made Luo Xiaran almost unsteady, and then he let go of Luo Xiaran and said, "I won't interfere with what you want to do, but I can't let anyone It’s okay for people to hurt you.”

After getting Luo Xiaran's answer, Jun Lie turned and left with peace of mind.Time waits for no one, only if he tries to solve the people around Wu Yanan as much as possible, can Luo Xiaran be safer.How could Jun Lie not be aware of cutting grass and roots?
 Timely release ~ New glasses, two pictures a year, more than 700 degrees, blind or blind ~
(End of this chapter)

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