Chapter 271
Of course, Luo Xiaran knew nothing about Pei Zheng's tossing and turning all night.But at breakfast the next day, Luo Xiaran still mentioned that they were leaving and returning to S City.

Although Luo Xiaran didn't want to torment Pei Zheng, an old man, the problem was that Pei Zheng's abilities were very special and very useful. If Pei Zheng was really left to Wu Wenfeng, Luo Xiaran would really be reluctant.

It's just that Luo Xiaran didn't expect that as soon as she opened her mouth, Pei Zheng asked to be with them.Although Pei Zheng said that he had been in a wheelchair for so many years, he felt that his body could still support a long journey.

Seeing that Pei Zheng didn't refuse, Luo Xiaran was very happy. She not only prepared several kinds of fruits for King Kong and the three of them, but also carefully prepared a car for Pei Zheng.Naturally, it was impossible for other people to be crowded in the car, and the seat was even removed to make a soft big bed for Pei Zheng, and some old people's favorite food was left behind.

In the end, she ran around the three inns to ensure that the inns were well stocked and replenished her system backpack with enough drinking water and supplies, and then a group of ten cars set off staggeringly.

Because of the special things Pei Zheng and King Kong mentioned, the first goal after departure was near X Street.Fortunately, leaving City H itself will pass through X Street, so it is not a long detour.

As it got closer to X Street, Luo Xiaran began to activate her mental power, but she scanned back and forth for a long time with her mental power, but she didn't find the so-called special thing King Kong mentioned.

Is it possible that that thing will really run away with long legs?While thinking about this, Luo Xiaran withdrew her mental power, and picked up the walkie-talkie on the car to contact the car where Pei Zheng and King Kong were.

After all, King Kong discovered it in the first place, so there is no guarantee that King Kong has any abilities that she doesn't know about.As for supernatural powers, even if Luo Xiaran had experienced the last five years before, she couldn't say that she had seen all the special existences, could she?

"Woooooooooo..." King Kong's cry was clearly transmitted through the walkie-talkie, but it's a pity that Luo Xiaran couldn't understand King Kong's language.And the distance is far away, without face to face, Luo Xiaran can't feel King Kong's emotions at all.

"Ran Ran, King Kong said that the things are still here, but he needs to go down and look for where exactly." Pei Zheng said through the translator after King Kong finished yelling.

Ever since he agreed to go with Luo Xiaran, Pei Zheng no longer politely called Luo Xiaran Miss Luo, and even called Jun Lie by his name directly.

Naturally, Luo Xiaran changed her tune and called her grandfather directly. Anyway, Pei Zheng's age was there. Even with the addition of two lifetimes, Pei Zheng's age was still that of Luo Xiaran's grandpa.

"Well, then find a place to park and take a break to prepare lunch." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran raised her eyebrows curiously, scanned around through her mental power, and then decided to let the motorcade stop at the music square.

There is a music square at the intersection of X Street and Q Street, and it is not far from the commercial street, so the music square is spacious, and many people gather here every day.

If it was before the cold winter, it would not be so easy to get in here, it would probably be a scene of a mountain of corpses.At this time, although the ice and snow had melted, the entire music square was still extremely quiet.

 Scheduled release ~ almost 30 words, sprinkle flowers ~ how many kisses are chasing more~
(End of this chapter)

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