Chapter 272 Looking Around
Parked the car in an orderly manner, and Juncheng, who was the butler, got off the car and started to get busy.While arranging manpower for security, on the other hand, it is necessary to find a suitable place to rest at noon.Thanks to the chef Dong Qing, at least Juncheng doesn't need to worry about lunch.

King Kong and the other three got out of the car and played with the eight hounds including Heishan. After a long while, they led a large group of mutated animals to find the very special thing mentioned earlier.

Without Pei Zheng, an animal language expert before, no matter how smart Hei Shan was, Luo Xiaran would not be able to understand the specific meaning of Hei Shan's roar.Now that there is Montenegro, taking King Kong and the other three, the whole journey feels very lively.

Luo Xiaran really didn't know how the baboons, monkeys, and mice played with the hounds, but Luo Xiaran was still willing to prejudice against the current situation.After all, they are already a family, of course the closer the better, isn't it?

What's more, in case Pei Zheng leaves in the future, at least Heishan and others will help restrain King Kong.King Kong is more than two meters tall. If ordinary people face King Kong, it will probably take a lot of effort to win.

While thinking wildly, Luo Xiaran stretched out her mental power and followed closely behind King Kong and the others.Although they are all powerful in combat, there are still differences between animals and humans, and there is nothing wrong with being cautious.Besides, Luo Xiaran was very interested in that thing that could not be found by her mental power, but could be noticed by King Kong.

Jun Lie has been walking by Luo Xiaran's side all the time, and seeing her looking out of sight, he couldn't help frowning, but he still held Luo Xiaran's hand carefully, for fear that she would accidentally fall to the ground .

But he didn't know that Luo Xiaran could see his every move clearly.Moreover, Luo Xiaran, who is extremely perceptive, would not have looked so defenseless if Jun Lie hadn't let Jun Lie by his side.

It can only be said that as the two get along unconsciously, they have slowly and formally begun to integrate into each other's lives.Even if it didn't show too much, it was still very different from the initial situation, which probably only the people around would notice.

And it was precisely because the two of them were like this that Cheng Yan, who was going to pursue him before, gave up his decision to pursue after expressing his feelings.After all, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie gradually became more and more like you, and Cheng Yan was playing a role in this situation, which is not what a gentleman would say.

Even if a fair lady and a gentleman are good-looking, it doesn't mean that they can destroy other people's feelings and intervene between two people who are already in love, doesn't it?Although Cheng Yan was only 20 years old, but because he was faced with loving parents since he was a child, how could he make such a despicable choice.So it is natural to hide far away, out of sight and out of mind.

After everyone entered the coffee shop chosen by Juncheng and got busy with their own affairs, King Kong was still searching blindly.Through her mental power, Luo Xiaran could even clearly observe that even the eight hounds including Black Mountain were a little bit agitated.

What is it?I don't know if it will be useful.Luo Xiaran was making tea and watching, feeling suspicious in her heart.Until King Kong made a large circle, and finally stopped in front of a horse gourd cover partially covered by heavy snow.

 Scheduled release~ I went to a lecture by Ping An Insurance last night, and there was an insurance that looked very good, but unfortunately I didn’t have the money to buy the insurance, so I was heartbroken~
(End of this chapter)

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