Chapter 275 A Bunch of Mice
After more than an hour, the members who went out to collect clothes, shoes and socks began to return one after another.And Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie had already returned to the coffee house early to enjoy afternoon tea, and even prepared coin-sized dark chocolate for each of the other members.

The chocolate is found in the cake house, because it is sealed in a large package, although it is a little melted, it is still edible.It's a pity that Luo Xiaran hadn't copied cocoa before, so cocoa couldn't be grown in the backyard of the inn to make chocolate.

However, Luo Xiaran is not someone who gives up so easily. Maybe she can't find it now, but sooner or later she will get cocoa, coffee beans and other plants.After all, Luo Xiaran hasn't eaten chocolate or drank coffee for more than 20 years.

The cry of "Wow, woof, woof" interrupted Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie who were tasting the fruit platter, and Pei Zheng was already lying down in the lounge of the coffee shop because of lack of energy, so without Pei Zheng's translation, Luo Xiaran couldn't understand Understanding what the hounds were yelling, he led Jun Lie out of the coffee house.

Seeing Luo Xiaran come out, the hound yelled even more, and ran towards the distance while yelling.Although Luo Xiaran didn't understand the meaning, she could still understand the meaning of asking her to follow.

Could it be that something went wrong with Pippi Doudou?While thinking about it, Luo Xiaran quickly cast her psychic powers.Through her mental power, Luo Xiaran saw that Pipi Doudou was quickly shuttling through the underground waterway, followed by a series of mice, each of which was covered in mud.

"The rats in the underground waterway have been alarmed. I don't know if there will be zombies. Let someone come out and clean them up. No matter how small the rats are, they are still meat. I just don't know if they can't fit in." Luo Xiaran walked briskly while walking. Said to Jun Lie.

"Well, you go and inform them, I'll chase after them first." Jun Lie raised his hand to hold Luo Xiaran, and said firmly.Although Luo Xiaran is not weak, but the underground waterway has accumulated over the years, and I don't know how many rats have accumulated. Jun Lie doesn't want to see Luo Xiaran get hurt.Who knows what kind of bacteria will exist on the claws and teeth of these mice. When the medicine is lacking, one should be careful.

"Well, be careful." Luo Xiaran is not a person who can't distinguish between good and bad. Knowing that Jun Lie is worried about herself, she pursed her lips, then turned and ran back.

When Luo Xiaran arrived with 30 people, Pipi Doudou had already jumped onto King Kong's body, leaving dirty marks on King Kong's snow-white long hair.

And around the horse gourd cover, there were already a lot of mouse corpses scattered, basically all of which looked charred, and it was obvious at a glance that it was caused by Jun Lie's fire ability.

However, it may be due to the consideration of the rat's flesh, so the fire ability is basically concentrated on the mouse's head or legs, but the body parts are not burned seriously.

Perhaps because of this, Jun Lie felt a little restrained. Fortunately, eight hounds including Heishan surrounded Jun Lie, using their paws to deal with the negligent mice, so there was no damage at all.

Not long after, Luo Xiaran's mental power discovered that there was commotion under the other horse gourd covers, and commanded the ice-type ability to freeze other nearby horse gourd covers, and everyone started a mouse hunting operation to beat the dogs behind closed doors.

While the others were fighting, Luo Xiaran turned her attention to Pipi Doudou. Since just now, something has attracted Luo Xiaran's attention...

 Regular release~ The sand painting I bought has arrived home, let's play sand painting with my little friends~
(End of this chapter)

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