Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 276 Ability Amplification

Chapter 276 Ability Amplification
Between Pippi's ring was a simple ring. Although it was covered in mud, it could still be seen that the material inside might be silver or platinum.After exchanging two peaches with Pipi Doudou, Luo Xiaran began to rinse with water.

In the end, the ring was completely displayed in front of Luo Xiaran's eyes. The ring setting was made of silver without any patterns. It may be because it has been in the underground waterway for a long time, so the ring setting is full of marks and feels uneven.

And the top of the ring was inlaid with a black ore the size of a soybean. Luo Xiaran couldn't tell what it was after repeated identification, but she had a faint feeling that she must hold it in her hand.

Pursing her lips, she turned around and saw that Jun Lie and the others were still fighting with the rats. Luo Xiaran finally couldn't hold back and put the ring on her ring finger.Although the size of the ring is suitable, it feels a bit rough because of the marks.

After putting on the ring, Luo Xiaran felt nothing in her heart.Frowning in confusion, Luo Xiaran didn't understand what went wrong.After taking off the ring, the feeling of urging himself to put it on lingered in his heart again.

But when I handed the ring to King Kong to hold it, the feeling of carrying it disappeared without a trace, and it became the appearance of wanting to touch.Slightly hooking the corners of her mouth, Luo Xiaran felt quite interesting.

After all, her soul was bound to the system, and Luo Xiaran couldn't help but guess that this might be the help the system gave her.After all, although King Kong and the others felt strange, they didn't mean to pick up the ring and put it on their hands.

After thinking for a long time, Luo Xiaran complied with her own feelings and put the ring on the ring finger of her right hand.I was thinking in my heart, wait until I go back to find some silver and let Jun Lie repair it with gold-type abilities, otherwise it will not be very comfortable to wear, and it will also affect my mood.

The battle with the swarm of rats lasted for a full hour, and everyone had marks on their bodies.And now around them, there are about five or six thousand rats piled up.

While lamenting that the underground waterway is really a good place to hide filth, Luo Xiaran opened up his mental power and went to explore the inside of the underground waterway.And it was this move that made Luo Xiaran discover the problem.

When using mental power before, it was difficult for Luo Xiaran to concentrate on multiple underground waterways, but now she can clearly see at least five underground waterways in different directions.

Could it be that this ring can amplify abilities?Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran took off the ring.After losing the ring, Luo Xiaran's mental power returned to its previous state.

Hehe, I really want to get what I want, just thinking about ways to improve my spiritual power, and then this thing is delivered to my door, and when luck comes, I can't stop it no matter what.

Putting on the ring to confirm that the rats in the underground waterway had dispersed, Luo Xiaran took off the ring and walked to Jun Lie's side, and said, "Take it on, and then release the smallest fireball at the rats."

Luo Xiaran wants to make sure whether this ring can only be used by her, or everyone can use it.If everyone can use it, it should be put into the system backpack and used as a secret weapon.

Jun Lie didn't have the slightest intention to ask, and directly took the ring and put it on his little finger. Although the size was not suitable, at least it would not affect Jun Lie's ability to perform.

A fireball the size of a grain of rice quickly fell on the corpse of a mouse, and the flames that ignited in an instant, wiped out the mouse in just three to five seconds...

 Scheduled release~ Finally broke through 30 words, hi heart~ Thank you for your support, jiumi~
(End of this chapter)

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