Chapter 284
I found a place to rest at night in a building near the river. Luo Xiaran sat on the sofa and sorted out the things in the system backpack, while Jun Lie discussed with the people in Juncheng about leaving tomorrow.

Because the batch of machines that were put away before were all scattered, they occupied the vacant grid of Luo Xiaran. In order to avoid future troubles, they always need to be arranged carefully.

After Luo Xiaran cleaned up, she noticed that there were only a dozen people left in the room.Jun Cheng and Dong Qing were preparing meals, while Yuan Zhongkai and Jun Lie were sitting drinking tea together, and Cheng Yan and the others were sitting in a corner and resting around the fire.

"Are you done? Have rice for dinner, stewed pork ribs and braised fish." Jun Lie, who was chatting, noticed that Luo Xiaran's eyes had returned to clarity. He poured a cup of tea for Luo Xiaran and said, "I arranged Let’s go find the boat, and we should be able to cross the river tomorrow morning.”

"Well, good." Although she was still worried that there would be danger when crossing the river, as Jun Lie said, she could use psychic powers to monitor the water all the time.Anyway, crossing the river for at most an hour, if she wears that ring, she can still hold on.

The simple and unsophisticated ring before has been reprocessed by Jun Lie with the power of the gold system.Because he was not sure which part could amplify the ability, Jun Lie didn't change too much, but repaired the uneven part of the ring setting with silver, and then added his name on the inside of the ring.

Although it wasn't the ring that Jun Lie gave Luo Xiaran, but since Luo Xiaran likes to wear the ring on the ring finger, how could Jun Lie let Luo Xiaran wear it casually.Afterwards, Jun Lie could also use the remaining silver to create a plain circle for himself, and of course, Luo Xiaran's name was also written on it.

When the dinner was almost ready, the people who went out to find the boat came back one after another.Some large and small ships have also been found, but whether they can be started or not can only be confirmed after careful inspection.

Fortunately, among Jun Lie and his party, there are not only people who are good at flying planes, but even things like ships and tanks are easy to operate.After all, the Jun family pays attention to cultivating talents in many aspects, and it is not enough to stay in the Jun family just because they are strong enough in their fists and feet.Even Jun Lie himself, aircraft, fighter jets and yachts all have driving certificates.

After enjoying the delicious dinner, Jun Lie and others took the miner's lamp and flashlight to go out to check the specific situation of the ship.Because of the strong wind at night, Luo Xiaran was left in the room.

Regarding Jun Lie's arrangement, Luo Xiaran did not raise any objections, no one likes to seek abuse, right?What's more, she didn't understand those things, and she couldn't help much if she went there. Luo Xiaran was still very self-aware.

"I found a [-]% new speedboat in a nearby warehouse. It can be used, but it needs to be divided into three times to cross the river." Jun Lie walked back with people in the cold, and saw Luo Xiaran lying on the sofa covered with a blanket watching Writing a book, stepped forward to kiss and then said.

If a passenger ship is used, it will only consume more gasoline, so Jun Lie feels that using a speedboat to cross the river is much more cost-effective than a passenger ship.First of all, the speed of the speedboat is faster than that of the passenger ship, and the consumption is relatively small, and if the speedboat is used to go in batches, Luo Xiaran will not have the opportunity to spend mental energy to pay attention to the problems under the river.

 Scheduled release~This story is purely fictional~Everything is for plot development~
(End of this chapter)

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