Chapter 285 Arrived Safely
Luo Xiaran knew nothing about what was going on in Jun Lie's mind.But now that she has found a way to cross the river, she will not forcefully ask for a long detour.What's more, the weather is still cold, so it shouldn't be so unlucky.

At five o'clock the next morning, Luo Xiaran woke up to the sound of the team members exercising.She got out of the warm blanket and changed into clean and tidy clothes. Not far from the bed was the hot water that Jun Lie had prepared for her.

When they went downstairs, Dong Qing and Jun Cheng had already prepared breakfast.A large pot of meat porridge, several large baskets of steamed buns, steamed buns and rice balls were heated, and the spicy cabbage made by Dong Qing was added.

After everyone packed up, Luo Xiaran put away the cars one by one, and then a group of people each carried a mountaineering bag, and began to move step by step towards the direction of the warehouse area.

King Kong hugged Pei Zheng and Pipi Doudou, while Heishan and other hounds were actively circling around Luo Xiaran, barking before and after running, looking very happy.

Thinking about it, people can't bear to be held in the car for a few days, let alone a hound that is so active.So Luo Xiaran didn't restrain her, just watched them roll in the melting snow, getting muddy all over their bodies.

When I came to the warehouse where the speedboat was placed, there were also some swimming and diving equipment piled up in the warehouse.Luo Xiaran reckoned that the owner of this speedboat must have liked water very much before, but he didn't know how he was doing now.

Everyone moved the speedboat out of the warehouse together, and then moved it like that, step by step to the riverside.The traces of melting on the surface of the river were much stronger than yesterday, and large pieces of floating ice flowed slowly along the river.

"Juncheng leads the first batch of people to go there first. Three ice-type and fire-type people go up each. When encountering ice floes, clean up in time, pay attention to the underwater situation, and take the walkie-talkie." Jun Lie thought about it last night. Everything was done, so the speedboat said as soon as it got out of the water.

After Juncheng filled up the speedboat with gasoline, he directly took fifteen people onto the speedboat. The people on the speedboat seemed a bit crowded. If there was a real fight, there would probably be no room for them to use it.

Luo Xiaran frowned slightly, but couldn't help but warned: "Be careful that there may be fish attacks under the water. I don't know what the fish in the river will mutate into."

"Understood, don't worry, miss." Hearing this, Juncheng nodded in response, and then started the speedboat. The sound of "Hoo Hoo Hoo" was getting closer and further away, and everyone standing by the river was paying attention to the situation on the river.

Until Juncheng and his party successfully reached the other side of the river, the river was still flowing without any waves.When Juncheng drove the speedboat back to the voyage alone, it was still calm.

Well, it seems that I think too much.Luo Xiaran stroked Hei Shan's head, and heaved a sigh of relief.It is best to be able to arrive safely, no one wants to be in danger, right?
However, due to the weight of Black Mountain and other hounds and King Kong, the expected arrival of all members three times on the other side could not be realized.Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie took Pei Zhengzheng to the other side of the river in the third batch of boarding boats, leaving only ten mutated animals waiting by the river.

When taking the speedboat, Luo Xiaran also used her mental strength to carefully observe the situation inside the river.But I don't know if it is because of the freezing, there is not a single fish or shrimp in the river, and it looks very calm.

 Timely release~ Go to bed early and get up early to be healthy~ Work hard to save the code words~
(End of this chapter)

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