Chapter 406 Give it a try

Leaving the small building where Cui Jiu was, night had already fallen and the sky darkened.Although the site of Jun's house is powered on, there are only a few lights left for lighting at night. After all, the sun's rays are very weak now, and it is a bit troublesome to collect solar energy.

Once again, they came to the station of the Lieyan Mercenary Group, and the team members in the station had already begun to enjoy their dinner.Because Luo Xiaran asked about Lu Tongtong's news when she came here just now, someone told her about Lu Tongtong's dining at the restaurant as soon as she came this time.

The originally noisy restaurant became quiet when Luo Xiaran walked in.Jun Yi, who was dining in the restaurant, smiled and asked loudly: "Sister-in-law, what are you doing here? Why didn't eldest brother accompany you? Have you eaten yet? Tonight, pickled cabbage stewed vermicelli, do you want a serving for you?"

"I'm here to find someone. Jun Lie is advancing his ability." Luo Xiaran nodded at Jun Yi, and then explained: "You guys eat, I'll eat it at my side next time."

"Okay, then I'll eat first, I'm so hungry." Seeing that Luo Xiaran had something to do, Jun Yi didn't delay Luo Xiaran's time any longer.Although the two of them are about the same age, Jun Yi always feels that Luo Xiaran can't play with him.What's more, with Jun Lie's possessiveness, seeing him chatting with Luo Xiaran a lot, it was himself who was unlucky.

"Sister Tongtong, excuse me." Lu Tongtong was sitting at a table with four people including Chu Hao for dinner at this time. Luo Xiaran walked up, greeted with a smile, and then sat aside. a vacant seat.

"Ranran, why are you here at this time?" Lu Tongtong didn't expect that Luo Xiaran was looking for him, so he put down his chopsticks and smiled back and asked.

"Mom's body is a little uncomfortable, and my healing ability is of no use to my mother's condition, so I thought about asking Sister Tongtong to try it out." Luo Xiaran said bluntly: "Sister Tongtong's treatment Different from mine, I think it should be effective."

"That's it, then can I go over after dinner? Or you can stay and eat together." Lu Tongtong herself also noticed it, after all, she is the light-type power user.Seeing what Luo Xiaran said, she nodded and agreed.

"Don't worry, just go there tomorrow morning. I haven't mentioned it to my mother yet. Mom has an old problem, and this night is not bad." Luo Xiaran waved her hand and said.

Even if she was worried about Chu Xinrui's health, she knew that there would be no problem in one night. Lu Tongtong still looked a little tired, and she should be able to fully recover after a night's rest.Luo Xiaran didn't want any unnecessary things to happen during the treatment because of exhaustion.

"Well, I'll be there early tomorrow morning, don't forget to prepare breakfast for me." Lu Tongtong nodded and said jokingly.After solving the problem of advanced abilities, Lu Tongtong's suppressed emotions recovered a lot, and he returned to his smiling appearance again.

"Well, then I'll go back, you guys eat quickly." Luo Xiaran stood up, took out a plate of braised fish from the system backpack, put it on the dining table, and said, "I'll give you some extra meals, I want to eat fish You can go to the inn anytime to order."

Like Luo Xiaran, Lu Tongtong is a fish lover.It's just that Lu Tongtong and the others have all moved out of the inn now, and there are too many people here, and they were busy before, so they didn't have time to deliver the fish.

Speaking of which, there is also a river in S City, Luo Xiaran thought that since the zombie siege was over, it would be better to take a large army to go fishing, there should be crabs, prawns and the like in the river...

(End of this chapter)

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