Chapter 407

After that, some big fish, watermelon and mutated rabbit meat were left in the canteen of the station, and Dong Qing was in charge, and then Luo Xiaran drove back to the inn.

Jun Lie, who is still advancing, is still not finished. In the lobby, Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui are helping the waiter to set the table. Four dishes and one soup have already been served on the table.

"Come back, come and eat." Chu Xinrui, who was watching the situation at the door from time to time, noticed that Luo Xiaran came back, waved to her, and said with a smile.

"Well, I'll come right after I go to wash up. Mom and Dad, you eat first." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran didn't go directly into the inn, but went out of the door, washed her hands with the well water in the system backpack, and then did it On the table.

"I went to see Lu Tongtong just now, and I agreed to come over early tomorrow morning to treat my mother." Luo Xiaran said while eating the braised pork that Chu Xinrui gave her.

"Well, remember to prepare a gift for her when the time comes." Luo Zhaoxian nodded, and said after holding a chopstick of loofah fried pork for Luo Xiaran.

"By the way, I just went to see Uncle Cui and Ke Nianyuan. They picked up seven children and raised them outside, teaching them how to practice and use supernatural powers. Mom and Dad might as well build a school in the safe zone. After all, there are many survivors. Young children, we can't just let them run outside like that." Luo Xiaran pretended to be casual and said, but she was observing the expressions of Chu Xinrui and Luo Zhaoxian in private.

"Build a school?" Hearing this, Luo Zhaoxian frowned, thinking about it in his heart.It's true that their age is not suitable for running back and forth with Luo Xiaran and the others, so it would be good to build a school and find something for themselves.

And Luo Xiaran is not short of supplies, but this kind of thing can't be done by themselves.To do it, everyone in the safe zone should be involved. After all, the child's future does not belong to their Luo family and Jun family alone, and they are not trying to train their own "private soldiers".

"Well, this is a good idea. Although the conditions are relatively difficult now, it can't scare the children. Moreover, gathering the children can ensure their safety as much as possible." When Luo Zhaoxian was thinking, Chu Xin Rui opened his mouth and said.

Since it was proposed by Luo Xiaran, of course Chu Xinrui should strongly support it.What's more, Chu Xinrui likes children very much, and she doesn't want to be idle in the inn every day, so she can only watch Luo Xiaran rushing around, worrying endlessly.

"It's better to discuss it with the Jun's family. This is not a family matter." After thinking about it, Luo Zhaoxian said to Luo Xiaran seriously: "After the school is built, it will be a long-term thing, so It can’t all be paid by you alone.”

"Dad, don't worry, I won't do that kind of business that loses money." Luo Xiaran smiled. Could it be that in Luo Zhaoxian's heart, she is a virgin who doesn't care about gains or losses?
If it wasn't for Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui's husband and wife, of course Luo Xiaran would not be able to directly mention this matter to them, but would leave it to Jun Lie and the others to take responsibility.But Jun Lie may not care about this kind of thing, so it will probably fall on Jun Cheng and Xiao Zhenyan's head in the end.

"It's good that you understand, Sheng Mi's love is against Mi's hatred, and people's hearts are unpredictable. You have to be more careful and protect yourself." Luo Zhaoxian raised his hand and patted Luo Xiaran's head lightly, and said admonishingly.

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(End of this chapter)

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