Chapter 443 Two people's world
Although Luo Xiaran was still a little worried in her heart, she also understood that these people were not ordinary people, and many of them had much more combat experience than her.So in the end, Luo Xiaran just quietly watched the teams leave one after another.

After everyone left, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie did not leave in a hurry.After all, it's been so long again, and this is the first time traveling alone for a while, whether it's Luo Xiaran or Jun Lie, they all hope to have fun for a while.

You must know that the last time I went to Sun Island, it ended briefly because I met Pei Zheng and King Kong.This time, even Pei Zheng was carried up the mountain, so no one could disturb them anymore.

Sitting in the RV, Luo Xiaran began to pack the hiking bags for the two of them.After all, I don't know what the situation in the mountain is like. If I accidentally get lost, I can't make Jun Lie hungry, can I?Although the chance of this is very small, it should be done just in case.

The first is essential drinking water, and then there are rice balls and biscuits that can be eaten cold; the second is flashlights, towels, toothbrushes, and hammocks. Now that the temperature is relatively high, you won’t feel cold if you sleep in a hammock at night;
And finally there are weapons and equipment such as daggers, bullets, and steel nails. After all, Jun Lie has gold-type abilities, and fire prevention in the forest is very dangerous, so it is safest to use gold-type abilities.

Even Jun Lie couldn't carry too much weight, so Jun Lie's backpack contained enough drinking water and dry food for two days.If they were separated, with Luo Xiaran's psychic abilities, two days would be enough.

Changed out the casual clothes before, put on the camouflage uniform and hiking shoes again, coiled up her long hair, used mutated vines as hairpins, mutated willow branches as belts, and mutated bitter grass on mutated vines, hanging in the air in Luoxia After Ran's bun, she dangled as if she was entertaining herself.

Because of the existence of the system backpack, Luo Xiaran's cold weapon was not placed outside, but a female pistol given to her by Jun Lie was stuck in the back of her waist for easy use.After all, neither the Tang knife nor the long knife is suitable for carrying like this.

And Jun Lie is even simpler, after all, he has always carried weapons on his body, from the smallest steel nails, daggers, Tang knives to guns and bullets, all of them are carefully placed where they are most convenient to use.In comparison, Jun Lie is indeed a professional combatant.

After making the preliminary preparations, the two held hands and started walking up the mountain as if on an outing.Considering that the other team members have divided up several hills, the goal of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie is not the hill, but the location of the col.

The col is surrounded by several hills, and its geographical location is a bit like the village in the Luo family's hometown, but this col is surrounded by mountains, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, which makes Luo Xiaran very interested.

After all, this kind of place is generally a place where things are easy to store, isn't it?And anyway, they are idle, so why not take a look inside.The most important thing is that Luo Xiaran is very confident in her sixth sense, and believes that there must be something she likes in this valley.

And there are many things that Luo Xiaran likes, so although Luo Xiaran is not sure what it is, she still decides to go and see for herself.Now that something good came across, Luo Xiaran naturally wouldn't let it go.What's more, from Songsong's mouth, he could hear that the place was dangerous, and there was something that made them afraid...

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(End of this chapter)

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