Chapter 444 Divided into Two Kinds
Hand in hand, they walked into the mountain step by step. The speed was not too fast. Occasionally, the two would stop to look at the mutated plants around them.It's a pity that there are not many mutated trees, let alone mutated trees that can bear fruit.

After the end of the world, mutated plants were divided into two types.The first type is the most common grass that can grow after the end of the world. Of course, their growth requires the protection of mutated plants with enlightened intelligence, otherwise they will be eaten by mutated animals.And without the mutated plants that have activated their intelligence, there is not enough wood energy for them to grow.

Wild vegetables are classified as one of them, but because they have no sanity, the body contains toxins, which need to be combed by wood-type supernatural beings before they can be eaten.

The second type is the mutated plant that has opened its intelligence. This kind of plant has a range, and when it enters its territory, it will be attacked.The mutated plants with spiritual intelligence are a bit like children, some are timid, some are gluttonous, and they are dangerous to a certain extent.

There are two kinds of mutated plants that have activated intelligence, one is active aggressive, and the other is passive aggressive.For example, mutated grape vines and blood-sucking grass.

Because of Luo Xiaran's presence on the road, after the wood-type energy wrapped around the two of them, the mutated plants they encountered would no longer actively attack the two of them, and they had a faint feeling of treating them as the same kind.

Of course, this is due to the small number of people and the relatively slight human breath.If there are more than five people, then it is impossible to be fooled so easily.What's more, this is still a mutated plant in the early stage, and it has only been a few months old, so it is still easy to deceive.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock at noon that the two of them climbed over a mountain.Finding a place with a relatively large space where you can see the sky in the sun, Luo Xiaran spread out a picnic cloth, and the two began to enjoy their lunch.

Because Luo Xiaran was here, of course there was no need to eat cold rice balls and multigrain pancakes.Using Jun Lie's ability to raise the stove, Luo Xiaran cooked some instant noodles, put some lettuce and a few eggs on it.

It's not that Luo Xiaran doesn't want to cook other meals, it's just that Jun Lie loves Luo Xiaran, so he doesn't want Luo Xiaran to waste her rest time preparing meals.Anyway, for Jun Lie, as long as he can fill his stomach, that's enough.What's more, there is a hot box lunch prepared by Dong Qing with meat.

After lunch, of course there is no time for a lunch break. They will sleep in Rooster Mountain tonight, so they need to find a safe enough place as soon as possible.

The two quickly cleaned up everything around them, buried the chicken bones in the soil, and then continued to walk into the mountain hand in hand again.However, the next journey is a bit steep, and with the dense growth of weeds and mutated plants, it is a little troublesome to walk.

While manipulating the ability, Luo Xiaran made way for the weeds and mutated plants on the road, and only then did the latter two have a place to step.However, because they had to concentrate on manipulating their supernatural powers, the wood-type energy on the two of them decayed, and they were finally discovered by the mutated plants.

Fortunately, with Jun Lie, an aggressive supernatural being, Luo Xiaran didn't need to care about attacks from all directions.Concentrating on dealing with the problem of the road, the two of them just opened the way one by one, and looked at each other in silence for a while.

Just as darkness fell, the two came to a clearing.Looking at the time on the watch, it was already around 04:30 in the afternoon, so I decided to set up a tent to rest in the open space at night...

(End of this chapter)

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