Chapter 445 Mutated Hedgehog
After the end of the world, even in the mountains and forests, looking up at the night sky, you can't see the stars in the distant space.What's more, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie still set up a two-person tent on the ground, and it is impossible to have any stars.

At night when you couldn't see your fingers, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie hugged each other and lay in the sleeping bag.Although neither of them spoke, the atmosphere was warm and sweet.

Just when Luo Xiaran was falling asleep, there was a rustling sound at the entrance of the tent.Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie opened their eyes, and after looking at each other, they didn't get up in a hurry.

After all, the rustling sound was not loud, and it was very likely that the people outside the tent were just small mutant animals that wanted to come in.And the one who could touch the zipper with its claws made Luo Xiaran have to suspect that the one outside was a mutant squirrel or something.

After discovering the existence of wood-type abilities among the mutated animals, Luo Xiaran hoped to attract more mutated plants.Anyway, she can provide enough fresh food for the mutated plants, and with Pei Zheng's help, she can also have friendly communication with the mutated animals.

But thinking of this, Luo Xiaran remembered that Pei Zheng had been assigned to another team by Jun Lie.After glaring at Jun Lie dumbfounded, Luo Xiaran couldn't help showing her mental strength.

Contrary to Luo Xiaran's expectations, the mutated animal standing outside the tent and making small movements was not a mutated squirrel, but a mutated hedgehog.It is more than twice the size of the hedgehog before the end of the world, and its small paws are pulling the zipper on the tent bit by bit.

Looking at the cute little thing presented in the psychic ability, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.Speaking of which, this was Luo Xiaran's first time seeing a live hedgehog. She had seen it in books or on TV before.

I don't know what direction this hedgehog is mutating in. Looking at the spikes all over the mutant hedgehog, Luo Xiaran estimated that it is very likely that these spikes have mutated.After all, no matter when, the spikes on the hedgehog's back are the most advantageous means of attack, aren't they?

After a while, the mutant hedgehog finally unzipped the tent.Probably because it is the first time to do this kind of thing, so it takes a long time.

After sneaking into the tent, the mutant hedgehog didn't attack Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, but carefully touched Jun Lie's backpack, and began to study the zipper on the mountaineering bag again.

Luo Xiaran thought this mutant hedgehog was very interesting, so she pressed Jun Lie's hand in the sleeping bag to prevent him from getting up.Anyway, there is no danger, let's see what the mutant hedgehog wants.

Compared with opening the tent before, the skilled mutant hedgehog took less time to open the zipper of the mountaineering bag, and then got into it with his whole body. After searching, he took out a red apple from inside.

Because Luo Xiaran is used to eating fruits after meals, so naturally they will not be forgotten in the backpack prepared for Jun Lie.But Jun Lie didn't have this habit, so Luo Xiaran remembered that after lunch, Jun Lie casually packed apples into his mountaineering bag.

Could it be that they were targeted at noon?But for such an apple, I have been so patient after chasing them for such a long distance!Seeing that the mutant hedgehog was about to leave with the apple in his arms, Luo Xiaran sat up.

The mutant hedgehog, who was startled by Luo Xiaran's sudden standing up, dropped the big red apple in his hand in surprise, raised his two paws to the top of his head, and just looked at Luo Xiaran in the dark...

 Scheduled release~ Prepare to write all kinds of cute things~hahahaha~
(End of this chapter)

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