Chapter 490 Encounter on the way
In the evening of the first day, the convoy entered the second city.Through the city, you can reach the bridge across the river.However, because they were not in a hurry, neither Luo Xiaran nor Jun Lie intended to order the convoy to speed up.

The convoy moved into the hotel that had been cleaned up before. Although there were a large number of people, fortunately the hotel itself was big enough, so it would not be crowded.

However, it may be because of the number of people that it attracted a lot of zombies, so that the team specially separated some people to clean up the zombies that gathered from all directions from time to time.

From the second year of the end of the world, zombies have zombie crystal nuclei in their brains. Although there are more white primary crystal nuclei, red crystal nuclei will occasionally yield some gains.

Since the people brought by this trip were all members of the Lieyan Mercenary Group, after obtaining the crystal cores, Jun Yi, the leader, handed them over to Luo Xiaran.After all, not all of the mercenary group had abilities, so it was safer to distribute the crystal cores uniformly, and it would not make ordinary members without abilities feel dissatisfied.

Because the chef of the restaurant was brought in, the dinner was prepared by three chefs together.Considering that the next journey will definitely not be safe, Luo Xiaran deliberately took out some of the previous mutated fish, shrimps and crabs for people to make cooked food.

Although it is troublesome to store cooked food in the system backpack, the presence of gold-type supernatural beings can also help solve this problem. The strange-looking 'lunch boxes' that are as tall as one person are just put into the system backpack by Luo Xiaran .

And each lunch box can store hundreds of catties of grilled fish and barbecue, and even fish soup, seafood soup, etc. in iron buckets. Because it will not deteriorate in the system backpack, it is also convenient for travel.

While Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's team were enjoying dinner, Feng Yuman, across the river, had been busy for more than ten days, and was also ready for the team to go to S City.

Although the Feng family is considered a big family in the urban area, it is a pity that after the end of the world, the number of personnel withered, and the master of the family became Feng Yuman, who seized power and power, so no one was concerned about Feng Yuman's decision to give up here and go to S city I can stop it.

At this time, Luo Xiaran still didn't know anything about Feng Yuman's plan.However, I have to say that the existence of Feng Yuman still has a certain influence on Luo Xiaran.So the next morning when he crossed the bridge and crossed the river, he met Feng Yuman's convoy, which made Luo Xiaran's expression turn cold instantly.

"It's really lingering!" Luo Xiaran sat in the car, gnashing her teeth and thinking in her heart.It's a pity that Feng Yuman had already noticed their modified long-distance buses and military trucks last time, so even if Jun Lie didn't show up, Feng Yuman was still 'sticky'.

"Don't be angry, just let Junyi get rid of her." Holding the ugly-faced Luo Xiaran in his arms, Jun Lie couldn't laugh or cry.When Luo Xiaran didn't care about it before, he wished he could throw Luo Xiaran on the bed and 'ravage' her.It's good now, Luo Xiaran is so angry, Jun Lie is really worried that it will hurt Luo Xiaran's body.

After Jun Lie told Jun Yi a few words through the walkie-talkie, he stopped paying attention to the situation outside.But Luo Xiaran quietly revealed her psychic powers and carefully observed Feng Yuman.

It has to be said that even for Feng Yuman, who has ruined her face, Luo Xiaran can't help but become more vigilant with her charming aura...

 Scheduled release~It's freezing cold, I just want to hibernate in bed~
(End of this chapter)

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