Chapter 491
It's a pity that Feng Yuman is not so easy to dismiss. Even if Jun Yi usually follows Xiao Zhenyan, he can't be as tight as Xiao Zhenyan. After talking for a long time, someone set out the purpose of this trip.

Seeing Junyi's defeat, Luo Xiaran, who was quietly observing, couldn't help but frowned, and sat up from Jun Lie's arms angrily, Luo Xiaran said, "You should go, and don't go to Junyi again. It is estimated that it will fall into someone else’s pocket.”

"Well, I'll come back as soon as I go. Don't be angry. She's just an irrelevant woman. I really can't see her. I'll take care of her." Jun Lie pulled Luo Xiaran and kissed her gently, like a joke. Said.

Anyway, after the end of the world, there is no law left, not to mention this kind of woman who doesn't know the so-called will only be a trouble.What's more, this woman made Luo Xiaran unhappy, so Jun Lie didn't mind killing him.Although the other party didn't do anything, so what?
It has to be said that Jun Lie has put Luo Xiaran in the position of holding Luo Xiaran in his palm and holding it in his mouth for fear of melting for a long time.So for the first time meeting someone who could make Luo Xiaran so angry, Jun Lie was also afraid.

Don't forget, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran have been entangled for more than a year, but Luo Xiaran didn't show joy and anger in front of Jun Lie when they first met, did they?
Although they are now a fiancé couple, Luo Xiaran really rarely shows an angry expression.It was also because of this that Jun Lie felt that something was wrong.

It's just that Luo Xiaran didn't seem to understand it, so Jun Lie didn't intend to ask.But since it will affect Luo Xiaran, for the sake of safety, it is better to solve it as soon as possible.

With that in mind, Jun Lie opened the car door and got out of the car.Seeing Jun Lie walking down, Jun Yi also understood that he was not doing well in this matter.But how could Jun Yi think that Feng Yuman, a woman, would be so difficult to deal with.

"Young Master Jun, we meet again." Seeing Jun Lie appearing, Feng Yuman couldn't help but smile three points brighter on his face. He walked two steps forward excitedly, and finally stopped at a place where Jun Lie would not let Jun Lie appear. In the disgusted position, he greeted.

"Well, what's the matter? If it's okay, we have to hurry." Although Jun Lie knew Feng Yuman's name, he said indifferently when he didn't think it was necessary to use it.

"No, I thought that since we met, I would come to say hello. I'm going to take someone to S City, can Jun Shao take me in for a while?" Noticing Jun Lie's indifference, Feng Yuman only thought it was Jun Lie's nature. .After all, even when he was holding Luo Xiaran last time, Jun Lie was expressionless.

It's just that Jun Lie didn't know that the reason why he held Luo Xiaran expressionlessly last time was just to match Luo Xiaran's desire to perform.It's just that she didn't expect Feng Yuman to be so smart.

"Not yet, my baby doesn't like you. Besides, you're just a stranger." Jun Lie sneered coldly, feeling a little annoyed by Feng Yuman's ignorance.

"Young Master Jun, are you joking? I didn't offend that lady, did I? It's the end of the world. A strong man like Young Master Jun should be surrounded by a woman of the same status." Feng Yuman's eyes flickered when he heard this. There was a dangerous light, and then he pretended not to care and said with a smile.

It seems that we must deal with that woman as soon as possible, Feng Yuman thought coldly when he thought that it was because of her that Jun Lie treated him so coldly.

 Timely release ~ Seek all kinds of support ~ Meme Chirp~
(End of this chapter)

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