Chapter 493 Will Not Change
After staying away from Feng Yuman, Luo Xiaran's affected mood gradually calmed down.Anyway, Xiao Zhenyan has already agreed to help her monitor her 'rival in love', Luo Xiaran thinks it's better not to think too much about it.

Jun Lie, who was accompanying Luo Xiaran, was slightly relieved when he saw that Luo Xiaran's mood had finally recovered.After all, Luo Xiaran likes to keep everything in her heart, and seldom loses her temper at him. Jun Lie is really worried that Luo Xiaran will make herself angry.

Lying in the bedroom of the RV with Luo Xiaran in his arms, Jun Lie comfortingly kissed Luo Xiaran's forehead, stroked her back and said, "I have already told Juncheng to prepare for the wedding, stop thinking about it."

"Well, I made you worry." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran rubbed Jun Lie's chest slightly, raised her head and kissed Jun Lie's chin, and said in a low voice: "I didn't mean to be angry, just once I met you." She couldn't help it anymore. Maybe you really had something in your last life without me. "

"Hehe, why would it be without you? You're right here, so don't accuse me indiscriminately." Jun Lie couldn't help smiling, patted Luo Xiaran, and said pretending to be angry.

But Jun Lie didn't know that what Luo Xiaran said might have actually happened.It's just that time goes back, Luo Xiaran is the only one who has experienced and remembered everything.

Luo Xiaran also understood that she shouldn't put such a thing on Jun Lie casually, after a slight smile, she said, "Okay, I'm just joking."

No matter who Jun Lie was with in the previous life when Luo Xiaran didn't know, it was indispensable.What's more, Luo Xiaran has been with Wu Yan'an for so many years. If it is pursued like this, Luo Xiaran should be more sorry for Jun Lie.

So it's better not to think about it anymore, anyway, Wu Yan'an is already in the past tense.Luo Xiaran snuggled into Jun Lie's arms, and slowly closed her eyes.Because of Feng Yuman's reappearance, Luo Xiaran hadn't had a good rest for several days, and dreaming all night made her exhausted.

After Luo Xiaran's breathing calmed down, Jun Lie moved his arms a little and put his arms around Luo Xiaran to make her sleep more comfortably.In fact, at night, Luo Xiaran would occasionally talk in her sleep. Jun Lie had been with Luo Xiaran all the time, so of course she had heard of it.

It's just that since Luo Xiaran didn't intend to speak, Jun Lie wouldn't go into it.It's just that Jun Lie already had some guesses in his heart, but he didn't confirm it from Luo Xiaran, and sent someone to send it to Luo Zhaoxian in private.

As Luo Xiaran's father, Luo Zhaoxian must know Luo Xiaran's existence best.But even if Jun Lie's guess was confirmed, Jun Lie didn't think that would affect the relationship between Luo Xiaran and himself.

They are an unmarried couple now, and they will be husband and wife in the future, and they will be together for a lifetime. This will never change.So the facts are not really important. Jun Lie wants to prove it, but he just wants to find a way to relieve Luo Xiaran.

Jun Lie couldn't see that Luo Xiaran was unhappy at all, and this kind of thing was always in Luo Xiaran's heart. Presumably Luo Xiaran would still be unhappy when she was alone, even if she talked and laughed at Yan Yan every day.

I have to say that Luo Xiaran, who fell in love with Jun Lie, was really happy.With such a man who has everything planned for her, even if he has had a sad experience, his future life will definitely be happy...

(End of this chapter)

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