Chapter 494

And Luo Xiaran, who was sleeping soundly, had no idea how much Jun Lie, who accompanied her, had paid for her in private.After a comfortable night's sleep, Luo Xiaran, who was woken up the next morning, has regained her refreshed appearance.

Before Luo Xiaran got up, the car door was opened from one side.After Jun Lie got into the car with breakfast, Xiao Xiao and Songsong couldn't wait to get into the bedroom in the RV.

"Morning." While stroking the fluffy and fluffy head, Luo Xiaran could only nod the tip of Xiaoxiao's nose when she saw that Xiaoye was looking forward to it.After all, the spikes on the mutant hedgehog were so sharp that Luo Xiaran didn't dare to touch them.

"Morning, let's wash up first." Jun Lie kissed Luo Xiaran's cheek, then picked up the toothbrush cup on the side, and began to prepare toothbrush and toothpaste for Luo Xiaran.Today is already the tenth day of going to Kyoto, because I wasted some time because I searched for some supplies in the outskirts of the city where Feng Yuman was located.

After taking the toothbrush, Luo Xiaran noticed Xiaoxiao and Songsong at her feet, and only then remembered that she forgot to prepare food for them.After all, fresh vegetables and fruits are not easy to preserve, so the cooks who are in charge of logistics are generally left with pickled dried meat and rice noodles.

"Okay, okay, give Xiaoxiao some more, save it in the space and share it with everyone, remember?" After poking the tip of Xiaoxiao's nose, Luo Xiaran took out some fresh nuts and fruits, and then ordered Said.

Although Xiaoxiao is a bit greedy, she is still relatively generous to her friends, at least Xiaoxiao will not eat alone.So Luo Xiaran felt more at ease in handing these things over to Xiao Xiao.

After breakfast, the convoy set off again.Passing through the lush green farmland, villages of different sizes gradually appeared around.Considering that every household in the village has the habit of storing food, the convoy stopped, and the team members began to form a team to search for available supplies in the village.

And Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, who were practicing with the crystal nucleus, saw the motorcade stop, and got out of the car with the mutated animals and mutated plants to move their legs.Although the wild vegetables need to be sorted out, it's good to change the taste occasionally, so Luo Xiaran led a few female team members to start collecting wild vegetables.

Perhaps it was because of the suppression of mutated plants such as mutated bitter grass, and Luo Xiaran used supernatural powers to disguise them as mutated plants, so they did not suffer the slightest attack.

And because mutated animals such as Songsong and Xiaoxiao also like to eat the mutated plants, it seemed very calm for a while.It wasn't until the team that went to the village returned empty-handed that Luo Xiaran's attention was caught.

"What's going on?" Luo Xiaran asked, looking at Jun Lie and the others in bewilderment, as he walked out along the ridge and piled wild vegetables on the dry road.It stands to reason that even if these villages were searched, they should not find nothing.

"There were survivors in the village, so we withdrew." Jun Lie waved at Luo Xiaran and said.Some things are so disgusting that Jun Lie doesn't want Luo Xiaran to know.

Seeing that Jun Lie didn't want to say more, Luo Xiaran didn't continue to ask.However, Luo Xiaran, a survivor after the apocalypse, has also come into contact with a lot, so it should not be a good thing, otherwise Jun Lie would not hide her.

"In that case, let's go to the next village." Luo Xiaran said after bending down to put the wild vegetables into the system backpack.Anyway, it's an insignificant thing, so why worry about it.

 Regular release~
(End of this chapter)

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