Chapter 496
After two full months of journey, from the scorching heat to the beginning of the cold winter, although there were trades with other safety zones and survivor teams along the way, they never found a suitable place to set up a branch of the inn.

It wasn't until they arrived at the outskirts of Kyoto that Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran made everyone prepare to camp in place, and then rest here for one night, before making other arrangements the next day.After all, they don't know what the situation in Kyoto is like, so it's better to be more cautious.

During the break, Jun Lie first got in touch with Juncheng, and after confirming that nothing happened in the safety zone of Anping District, he was relieved.Winter is approaching, but you have to be prepared for it.

What's more, Luo Xiaran remembered that after the first cold winter, the zombies would never disappear without a trace because of the severe cold.And this is already the end of the second year of the last days, whether it is zombies or mutated animals and plants, they will continue to evolve to a more powerful level in the third year.

For some unknown reason, the suburbs of Beijing appear to be very deserted. No matter whether it is mutated animals and plants, zombies, houses, etc., there is no trace. If it is not clear that this is also a place where people gather, Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran and others You have to think that no one has ever survived here.

"It seems that the water in Kyoto is deeper, and it always feels weird everywhere." After dinner, Luo Xiaran sat in the RV and said to Jun Lie.

It's a pity that Luo Xiaran didn't know much about the capital in her previous life. After coming here, Luo Xiaran became a little worried.After all, there is no branch of the inn along the way. If there is any danger, it will be troublesome.

"Don't worry, it will be broken into parts from tomorrow, just go to the safe area of ​​Kyoto to investigate." Understanding Luo Xiaran's worry, Jun Lie handed the peeled apple to Luo Xiaran, Said with a smile.

After nearly three months, although Jun Lie's ability has not advanced again, it has reached the peak of the fifth level, not to mention the average level of the ability in the team is also in the middle of the third level, and even along the way there is still a lot. Hundreds of ordinary people have successfully awakened their abilities.Although it was dangerous to be scratched by zombies, there were no casualties.

Jun Lie couldn't help suspecting that the reason why his team had such a high probability of triggering supernatural powers was probably because they often ate the vegetables produced by Luo Xiaran with supernatural powers.

After all, wood-type masters have vitality, but zombies have no vitality, so when a team member encounters a zombie virus, as long as they are physically strong and have strong and unyielding perseverance, they will not be defeated by the zombie virus.

It's just that there is no way to prove this suspicion, so Jun Lie didn't express it clearly.But in any case, no casualties is the best situation, isn't it?Why bother to get to the bottom of it.

"Let everyone be careful, safety is more important, and everything else is secondary." Along the way, Luo Xiaran certainly established a relationship with the team members, not to mention that they were all carefully cultivated, and Luo Xiaran lost a little It will only hurt more.

Just as Luo Xiaran and the two were talking, there was a knocking sound outside the RV.Opened the car window, and saw the team member in charge of communication standing outside: "Boss, the radio station has received news from Kyoto again."

 Scheduled release~ At the end of the month, everyone has worked hard this month~ One step closer to the new year~
(End of this chapter)

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