Chapter 497 Rescue News
"Oh? What news?" When I was on the road before, it's not like I didn't continue to receive broadcasts from Kyoto.But because it was intermittent and basically the same broadcast as before, Jun Lie didn't care.

But this time, the team members in charge of communication can be found directly, so there must be no repeated news.I just don't know what plans this base in the Kyoto Safety Zone is planning.

"One is to convene survivors to build a harmonious homeland, and the other is about rescue. The location is a zoo in Kyoto. According to the news in the radio, there are a group of scientific researchers waiting for rescue in the research institute under the zoo." Because Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran have always wanted to find scientific researchers, so when they heard the news, the correspondent rushed over directly, regardless of whether Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie might have rested.

"Research Institute? It's been two years since the end of the world. Can the researchers in the research institute still have any survivors? Besides, why did it take so long for the rescue to start in Kyoto?" Hearing this, Jun Lie frowned and said.

If the Kyoto side values ​​talents, it may be the rescue of such talents that will be arranged first after stabilization.Or is there something in it that they don't know?It seems that no matter what, you have to go to the Kyoto base.

"I don't know, there are only a few pieces of news intermittently on the broadcast. What should we do, boss?" The correspondent shook his head slightly and asked.After calming down, he naturally noticed something was wrong, but he still felt that he should give it a try.

After all, City S has been searching for more than a year without finding it, and finally there is a clue in Kyoto. If you miss it, you don't know when another batch of scientific researchers will show up in the future.

"The soldiers are divided into two groups, one to rescue, and the other to continue to enter the Kyoto base according to the original plan. Go and call the captains for a meeting." Jun Lie was silent for a while, then made a decision and said.

Although it is under the nose of the Kyoto base, if you can snatch a few scientific researchers, it is estimated that it will be of great use.It's a pity that the researchers that Xiao Zhenyan found before were all researching biopharmaceuticals. It would be even better if he could find a few researching weapons.

Speaking of which, up to now, they have gained very little from raising those scientific researchers, and the most useful thing is to extract potions from mutated animals and plants that can restore the physical strength of people with supernatural powers.However, this can also be achieved by directly eating the meat of mutated animals. Apart from being easy to carry, it really doesn't come in handy.

"Yes." After answering, the correspondent quickly went to wake up the leaders of other teams.Because more than 2000 people came out in total, the team is called every 200 people on a military truck.

Less than 5 minutes later, the twenty captains, whose clothes were slightly disheveled, rushed to the location of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's RV.At this time, Luo Xiaran had already taken out the long conference table from the system backpack. After everyone sat down, Luo Xiaran made a few pots of instant coffee to refresh everyone.

The correspondent once again recounted the news received by the radio station, and then Jun Lie looked at everyone and said: "I decided to divide the troops into two groups, leaving a team that is good at scouting to infiltrate the Kyoto base to listen to the news. I will personally lead the team to rescue those people." Scientific research personnel. If there are surviving scientific research personnel, we must grab a few talents who are good at weapon research and development before them."

 Regular release~Thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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