Chapter 506 Human Experiments
The oppressive darkness and strange smell of blood in the underground laboratory made everyone's mood gradually gloomy.And the distance to the central regional laboratory is not as short as imagined.

However, according to Luo Xiaran's observation, the size of this underground laboratory should be the same as that of the above-ground zoo, so the area can be imagined, it is definitely very large.After all, this is Kyoto, the capital of a country.

Fortunately, the roads in the laboratory are straight and straight, and there are no twists and turns.

After walking for about ten minutes under the dim light, the group of people was stopped outside by a tightly closed combination lock.After passing through this door, there is the experimental area inside.

Compared with the combination lock at the entrance of the elevator, this combination lock does not have such a dangerous blasting device.It took less than 5 minutes to open the door, and then a purgatory on earth stood in front of everyone.

In a laboratory near the entrance, there was a corpse tied up on the laboratory table. The corpse had been disembowelled. Although it was rotten, it was confirmed that the corpse had not been infected with the zombie virus.

And on several other test benches, there are also several similar corpses tied up, but there are men and women, some old and some young, perhaps because of struggling, the test bench is full of scratches, and the coagulated blood is black. off the ground.

It's just that apart from the remains on the test bench, the internal organs disemboweled from these corpses were missing.The brain of the corpse was intact, but there was no sign of corpse change.

"These people were dissected alive, and they were not infected with the zombie virus before they were alive, so they will not change after death. In other words, they are some supernatural beings or ordinary people." Clenching his fists, Luo Xiaran After taking a few steps forward, after careful investigation, he said in a heavy tone.

Sure enough, human trials have already happened.So the promotion of the Kyoto base to the laboratory to save people, could it be to lure them to make experimental materials?
Although Luo Xiaran had no way of knowing, Luo Xiaran would never tolerate human experiments.She clearly remembered that it was because someone conducted human experiments in private that the supernatural core of the superhuman was discovered.Using the power core to stimulate the power will not be infected with the virus, and there will be no consequences for failure, which will cause a war between ordinary people and the power user.

Although in the end the supernatural beings suppressed ordinary people, since then, the gap between supernatural beings and ordinary people has become wider and wider, and many supernatural beings have even begun to treat ordinary people as slaves.

Originally, at the beginning of the end of the world, although ordinary people were indeed afraid of the abilities of the supernatural beings, because the supernatural beings can more effectively deal with zombies, and the number of supernatural beings is small, the relationship is still harmonious.

But with the development of time, coupled with the discovery of the supernatural core, the survivors became completely crazy.After all, the apocalypse itself is very depressing. Over time, it will always arouse the negative emotions of the survivors, and then all kinds of unacceptable things will happen.

"It's okay, it's okay." Holding Luo Xiaran in his arms, while comforting the ashen-faced Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie set fire to the body and the experimental table.

I didn't expect that someone would experiment with living people. Sure enough, after the end of the world, the law collapsed, and the ugliness of human nature was magnified.If the laboratory is full of research institutes that conduct human experiments, then he will have to consider the matter of killing donkeys after the research...

(End of this chapter)

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