Chapter 507 Three Locks

Walking all the way to the location of the second password lock, the successive laboratories are so shocking.Some "grafted" survivors and zombies, and some "grafted" animals and humans. Not only was it bloody, but it was also disgusting, with cold sweat running down the back.

"Boss, we shouldn't keep this kind of person." Jun Yi moved to Jun Lie's side, and couldn't help muttering.If the researchers are so inhumane, it's better to let them stay in this underground to fend for themselves.

"Let's talk about the situation. I haven't met a single figure. It's very likely that they are all dead." Jun Lie said with a frown.Luo Xiaran's complexion has been bad since just now, and Jun Lie is still very worried.

Just as the team member in charge of unlocking opened the second combination lock, a black shadow rushed out from the door and attacked the unlocking team member standing at the forefront.

Fortunately, standing next to the unlocking team members were a few supernatural beings who had reached level four. When the black shadow attacked, an ice wall rose from the ground to block the black shadow's attack.

After being blocked, the black shadow fell on the ground. After the light was illuminated, it was discovered that it was a little monkey with no fur and no body.The little monkey is only 20 to less than [-] centimeters tall, and because it has no fur, it is pink in color.

But on the naked skin of the little monkey, it is not smooth and clean, but there are many black dots. After careful observation, it turns out that there are hundreds of pinholes one after another. look.

While everyone was observing the little monkey, the little monkey attacked the team again.On the little monkey's paws, the sharp nails sprang out suddenly, and then with the sound of 'whoosh', traces were left on the ground or the wall that was avoided by everyone.

It can be seen that the little monkey's eyes are bloodshot, and he looks completely ignorant.Luo Xiaran pursed her lips, but she didn't stop everyone from fighting back against the little monkey.

After all, he was away from home, and there was no Pei Zheng this time. What's more, this little monkey had already lost his mind. Even if he was caught, he would not be able to be trained as a member of the army of supernatural animals.

Sighing, Luo Xiaran let Jun Lie pull her into the second code-locked door.Compared with the scene of the previous human experiment, the laboratory behind the second combination lock seemed a little more normal.

On the laboratory table in the room, there were a lot of test tubes arranged in a random pattern. There were some liquids of different colors in the test tubes, which were volatile in the air, with some indescribable fishy smell.

In the laboratories at the back, zombies seemed to be the main experimental materials. Some of the zombies who were tied to death on the test table had already lost their heads, and left a mess everywhere after they were disemboweled.

Since there were no researchers or medical staff in the team, even Luo Xiaran couldn't figure out what was going on.After walking through two doors in a row, there were no survivors, which made people wonder if all the people in the laboratory were dead.

"There is only the last lock left. Be prepared for battle. During the battle, don't damage the experimental instruments, medicines, items, etc. You don't know what's inside, so be careful." Walking to the last combination lock, Jun Lie said to everyone exhorting.

Just as Jun Lie finished speaking, the combination lock clicked and opened by itself...

 Scheduled release~The update is completed today~February is here, are you all on vacation?Have a good rest~
(End of this chapter)

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