Chapter 511

After Jun Lie launched his attack, Luo Xiaran and others also started to attack Ping Minnan.Luo Xiaran considered that she couldn't resist Ping Minnan's spiritual powers, so after protecting Jun Lie with spiritual powers, she focused on the dark-type powers.

Although dark-type abilities can be said to be the nemesis of all abilities, after all, dark-type abilities can completely swallow attacks from other abilities, but attacks from physical abilities will not be swallowed up in an instant.

Knowing this, Luo Xiaran took out the women's pistol Jun Lie gave her from the system backpack, and quickly shot at the dark-type supernatural being.Even if he couldn't attack the dark-type supernatural being, at least he had to ensure that he wouldn't hinder Jun Lie's attack on Ping Minnan.

After the team members noticed Luo Xiaran's movements, the ordinary opponent without supernatural powers quickly drew a pistol and shot at the dark supernatural being.One bullet after another made the dark-type supernatural being finally move out of the corner.

I saw that this was a woman in her 20s, and her short hair did not affect her beauty at all. Unfortunately, when she touched a woman's eyes, she could find that her eyes were dull, as if she was not in the world.

On the woman's neck, there is a slightly shiny black device, which has been kept on the woman's neck for many years, because the woman has become thin and bony, so when she walks around, you can see mottled marks on the neck.

Even the women's wrists and ankles wear similar black devices, and the woman wears something like a white smock. The smock is very short. As long as the woman moves a little too much, it will reveal her naked body. A body with pinholes and countless scars.

While blocking the attack from Luo Xiaran and others, the woman moved towards the direction of Ping Minnan, who was besieged by Jun Lie and other supernatural beings, regardless of whether she would be injured.

It seems that this woman should also be an experimental subject in the laboratory. While guessing in her heart, Luo Xiaran tentatively stretched towards the woman with her psychic powers.

When he notices the psychic powers belonging to Ping Minnan all over the woman's head, he can be sure that all the actions of the woman are under the control of Ping Minnan.

Not knowing what the woman has experienced, Luo Xiaran couldn't help frowning when she saw the woman's sane look.After all, women are manipulated, and Luo Xiaran doesn't want to kill her.What's more, there are so many dark abilities, and Luo Xiaran doesn't know why, so she wants to save him.

"Stop her, consume her powers, you can hurt her, but don't kill her." Although Luo Xiaran didn't understand why she suddenly wanted to save her, Luo Xiaran was used to doing whatever she wanted, after all, her premonitions never changed. would hurt her.Sometimes Luo Xiaran wondered if she also had the ability of prophecy, but because it was too weak, she couldn't tell the difference.

After receiving Luo Xiaran's order, everyone focused their attacks on the woman's legs and feet. As long as the woman could no longer move, the threat would be greatly reduced.

What's more, without the help of the woman's dark powers, even if Ping Minnan's psychic powers are still a bit tricky, they won't make people feel helpless.

Unfortunately, at this moment, an ice-type supernatural being who was attacking around Ping Minnan suddenly turned his 'gunpoint' on Jun Lie, and the ice arrow attacked him when Jun Lie was at a loss ...

 Regular release~ Guess who the test subject is~ I mentioned it not long ago~
(End of this chapter)

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