Chapter 512 Frozen
Fortunately, Jun Lie's reaction speed was very fast.Although he was caught off guard for a while, he turned sideways to avoid the Frostbolt attack.It's just that the clothes on the shoulders were scratched, leaving a bloodstain, which gradually seeped a little bit of blood.

Noticing that some teammates would suddenly 'rebel', the crowd besieging Ping Minnan took a few steps back in guard.Because psychic powers are invisible, everyone remembered Luo Xiaran's previous reminder.

Although the attacks of psychic abilities cannot be caught with the naked eye, fortunately, the attacks of psychic abilities generally have a range.Don't look at Luo Xiaran's psychic powers can be emitted when he usually uses them for investigation, but if he really wants to confuse people, the range is only a few meters away.

Three times, five times and two times tied up the controlled ice-type ability user. When the ice-type ability user was struggling all the time, he had no choice but to knock him unconscious.After that, everyone looked at Ping Minnan warily and angrily.

After all, no one would have thought that their comrades in arms would be suddenly manipulated. If the opponent hadn't put the attack on Jun Lie just now, if it was someone else, they would probably have died under the Frost Arrow.

Not dying on the battlefield, but dying at the hands of one's own comrades-in-arms, this is unacceptable to anyone.What's more, if the other party regains his sanity and realizes that he has hurt Jun Lie, how should he deal with himself?
And Luo Xiaran, who has been blocking the woman, naturally noticed the battle situation on Jun Lie's side. Unfortunately, after being manipulated, the dark-type supernatural powers seemed to be dying, and Luo Xiaran, who didn't want to kill her, couldn't do it for a while. Be held back.

What should we do?At this time, Luo Xiaran suddenly rang, and Shi Lixiang's moves are useless, aren't they?Shi Lixiang's moves can even confuse her, so Ping Minnan shouldn't be so easy to notice.

You must know that there is a strange smell of blood in the air. If you add the smell of ten lixiang, it will not change much.After thinking about it in her heart, Luo Xiaran quietly cast the wood-type ability.

A scent belonging to ten lixiang gradually permeated the air, and the two sides fought for about 10 minutes. Ping Minnan, who had been confronting Jun Lie, suddenly stopped his attack.

Without Ping Minnan's control, the woman immediately stopped her movements and stood there like a silent corpse, motionless, not even blinking her eyelids.

After Jun Lie knocked Ping Minnan unconscious, the ice-type power user quickly stepped forward and froze Ping Minnan.Although the instant freezing will not kill Ping Minnan, if there is no ice-type supernatural person to thaw it, Ping Minnan will never be able to wake up.

"Let me heal you first." Luo Xiaran put away the wood-type abilities, walked forward quickly, and pulled Jun Lie's injured shoulder, and the green light began to swim on Jun Lie's shoulder.

Fortunately, the wound on Jun Lie's shoulder was not serious, so the treatment was completed in just a short while.Seeing that it was back to normal, but the skin color was slightly different from other places, Luo Xiaran breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury, don't worry." Smiling at Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie said soothingly.In the apocalypse, they were rarely injured, not to mention there were two people with healing abilities. Compared with other survivors and safe bases, they were more than a hundred times luckier.

"Well, let's find out the other researchers in the laboratory first, this Ping Minnan is not a good stubble, so don't keep it." After looking at the standing ice, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and said.

 Timely release~Thanks for your support, dear~
(End of this chapter)

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