Chapter 513 A Little Immoral

You must know that scientific researchers who have conducted human experiments will involuntarily immerse themselves in it. If there is one, there will be two, and Ping Minnan's psychic abilities are hard to guard against, so it is better not to keep such people.

And Luo Xiaran was actually very curious about Ping Minnan's psychic powers. Although it was a bit immoral to do so, Luo Xiaran still wanted to collect Ping Minnan's psychic power core.

Before that, Shi Lixiang's energy core allowed Luo Xiaran to acquire Shi Lixiang's ability by accident. Luo Xiaran thought to herself, would Ping Minnan's power core also have such special characteristics?

But even though she thought so in her heart, Luo Xiaran didn't show it.The final decision is still up to Jun Lie, not to mention Ping Minnan's research talent is rare.

"Well, you're right, this kind of person is difficult to control." Jun Lie nodded without hesitation upon hearing this.Ever since he found out that it was Ping Minnan who conducted the human experiment, Jun Lie did not intend to let Ping Minnan continue to live.

After the end of the world, people's hearts are dark. Jun Lie may be domineering and cold-blooded, but when he meets this kind of researcher who doesn't treat people as human beings, it is impossible for Jun Lie to let him continue to live to harm other survivors.

What's more, they didn't know what experiments Ping Minnan had done before them.To be the director of this underground research institute is bound to be quite successful in research.

"I think that woman over there should stay. She is a dark supernatural being controlled by Ping Minnan. And looking at the things on her, she should have been studied in the laboratory for a long time." Luo Xiaran sipped her lips. After lips, said.

Without Ping Minnan's manipulation, the woman became like a doll.It's a pity that Luo Xiaran's psychic powers are lower than Ping Minnan's, and she can't release Ping Minnan's control now, but as long as Ping Minnan dies, the psychic powers belonging to Ping Minnan will naturally disappear without a trace. disappeared.

"Yes." Glancing at the woman standing there, Jun Lie didn't have any opinion.Anyway, it's a woman, and it doesn't seem to disturb his relationship with Luo Xiaran.

"Then help me take out Ping Minnan's power core." Luo Xiaran tiptoed and whispered in Jun Lie's ear.The previous group of team members who knew the existence of the supernatural core were all Jun Lie's cronies, but this time, there were members recruited later in the team, so Luo Xiaran had to be careful.

"Okay, I see." Jun Lie knew what Luo Xiaran meant when he heard it.After all, he had also obtained power cores from those blind power users before, so it was clear that this matter could only be done when Ping Minnan was alive.If this is not the case, Luo Xiaran can directly take Ping Minnan into the space.

"Okay, let's start searching other places, first find all the surviving researchers. Be careful, I don't know what else is in this research institute yet." Jun Lie clapped his hands and said to the team. , pointed to some teams and asked them to start searching.

As the teams left one by one, the last ones left in the laboratory were all the members of the Jun family from beginning to end.Under Jun Lie's signal, one of the ice-type power users unlocked the power on Ping Minnan's body, and then Jun Lie obtained a colorless spirit from Ping Minnan's brain without blinking. Ability core.

Everyone didn't respond to Jun Lie's actions.Even if they noticed the existence of the supernatural core, they didn't react too much.After Jun Lie finished everything, without Jun Lie opening his mouth, someone with a fire attribute ability burned Ping Minnan's body, so as not to leave any omissions.

 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ Although Frankenstein has been solved, the problem will not be so simple~
(End of this chapter)

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