Chapter 535 [-]% Off
Luo Xiaran knew nothing about the discussion of this team.While the team was eating, Luo Xiaran had already started to prepare supplies for them.Fortunately, during the ten days or so of idleness, the cooks were preparing dry food, so Luo Xiaran quickly gathered the goods.

For the treatment of two team members, Luo Xiaran decided to count as five crystal nuclei per person.Then for a breakfast of more than [-] people, even if two people have one red crystal nucleus, the remaining crystal nucleus can be replaced with about [-] catties of food and drinking water.

However, because the man said that he still needs some dried vegetables and meat, the materials exchanged in the end include 35 catties of miscellaneous grains, two catties of dried vegetables and five catties of salted fish, and the other drinking water is half bought and half free by Luo Xiaran. of.Anyway, there is a well in the backyard of every inn, and drinking water is nothing to Luo Xiaran.

Pack all the food and give it to the waiter in the shop to pack it up, and then Luo Xiaran comes in front of everyone again.The team who were talking fell silent for an instant, their eyes unblinking, staring closely at the bag in the second-hand shop.

"This is the food and drinking water you want. The water will be given to you. Come and visit us if you have nothing to do in the future." Luo Xiaran gestured to the waiter to put the things on the table, and said with a decent smile on her face. Said the team.

With 20 years of business experience in ancient times, Luo Xiaran naturally knows what to do and how to say it to attract repeat customers.What's more, compared with the previous family of five, this team of more than 30 people should have more publicity effect in the Kyoto base. After all, I even revealed the hole card of the healing ability.

"Thank you, Miss. I haven't asked Miss's name yet. I'm Yuan Kai, with an earth-type ability. Do we need to keep secret about Miss' healing ability?" Yuan Kai got up, thanked, and asked inquiringly.

Don't want to know the preciousness of the healing ability. If the leaders of the security base knew of Luo Xiaran's existence, they probably wouldn't let her stay outside.

Luo Xiaran's inn is much more cost-effective than the trading center in the Kyoto base, and the supplies are abundant. Yuan Kai didn't want Luo Xiaran's inn to close, so he couldn't help but become concerned.

"Miangui's surname is Luo, Luo Xiaran." Luo Xiaran smiled back, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart that people in the last days really don't have any worries, and then said: "No need, I still want to invite everyone Help me introduce business. As long as you are a customer introduced by Mr. Yuan, you can get a [-]% discount."

Anyway, Luo Xiaran has the final say on the discount. Although she won't cheat and abduct survivors who are struggling in the last days, she will definitely not allow anyone to take advantage of her casually.

"Then thank you Miss Luo." Yuan Kai nodded upon hearing this.With the abundant supplies in Luo Xiaran Inn, as long as she is given a period of time, there should be no shortage of guests.And since Luo Xiaran sold a good one to Yuan Kai, Yuan Kai is not the kind of person who doesn't know people.

What's more, the team members are also very interested in the inn. In this case, Yuan Kai doesn't mind coming a few more times when he has more money.Luo Xiaran's side is more cost-effective than handing it over to the Kyoto base in exchange for contribution points.

"It's getting late, so we won't bother you." Because the plan was to go a little farther to search for daily necessities, although now there is food exchanged by Luo Xiaran here, but you can't just sit and eat, right?

Since there is no need to search for materials, then spend more time killing zombies and hunting for crystal cores. Maybe before returning to the base, you can exchange for more materials instead of bringing crystal cores back to the safe base...

 Scheduled release~ Are you all home?Chinese New Year is coming~
(End of this chapter)

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