Chapter 536 Zombies

After sending Yuan Kai and his party away, Luo Xiaran went back to her room to continue practicing her abilities.I don't know when the next batch of people will come. It's fine if it's a big deal, and it's no fun to make small troubles.

And before Luo Xiaran took out the meteorite, she heard a knock on the door.Opening the door, the shopkeeper stood outside the door, with a little anxiety on his face, and said: "Madam Boss, those guests just came back again, and I saw a lot of zombies coming outside."

Hearing this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help frowning.You must know that she and the inn have been here for almost a month, and have not seen a large number of zombies. What is the reason?

But although she was puzzled, Luo Xiaran still walked downstairs.Anyway, no matter how these zombies came from, they must be dealt with.

"I'm really sorry, there is no place to hide around here, we can only trouble you." Seeing Luo Xiaran walking down the stairs with a blank face, Yuan Kai said in a loud voice.

They didn't know why, but less than half an hour after they drove out, they were surrounded by zombie teams one after another.If he hadn't seen the situation was wrong and led people to run fast, he might be buried in the pile of zombies by now.

"Well, it's okay. Did you find anything wrong?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran shook her head slightly.With the inn here, Luo Xiaran was not worried about the zombies.What Luo Xiaran cared about was whether the suddenness of these zombies was some kind of conspiracy.

It can't be blamed on Luo Xiaran for thinking too much, after all, the zombies came to the door after only two batches of guests came.If this is still the case, then maybe not everyone will be able to come to the inn.

"No, we didn't go very far. And there are too many zombies, they have been chasing us." Yuan Kai thought for a while, then shook his head and said.In fact, Yuan Kai had some doubts in his heart. Perhaps the original destination of these zombies was Luo Xiaran, but why?

Noticing that Yuan Kai's expression was a bit wrong and his brows were tightly furrowed, Luo Xiaran also frowned.But no matter how these zombies came from, the first thing to do now is to get rid of them.

After passing Yuan Kai's team, Luo Xiaran walked out of the inn step by step.Released the psychic ability and searched for a while, and noticed that there was no one else around, Luo Xiaran reached out and took the mutated balsam ball on his head, and threw it towards the group of zombies.

While throwing the mutated bitter grass ball, Luo Xiaran also added some wood-type abilities to the mutated bitter grass, and then rushed into the crowd of zombies with a long whip modified from the mutated bitter grass tentacles.

Because of her psychic abilities, Luo Xiaran's viewing angle can be said to be 360 ​​degrees, and she doesn't need to worry about the zombies sneaking up on her.

Although Yuan Kai and others were stunned for a while at first, they soon joined the battle.It's just that because Luo Xiaran fought in a relatively large area, the others could only kill the missed zombies on the periphery.

After the mutated bitter grass enlarged the body, it could not only kill the zombies, but also pick up the crystal nuclei in the heads of the zombies.Although Mutated Bitter Grass also likes zombie crystal nuclei, but in comparison, Luo Xiaran's wood energy is the one he likes the most, so he didn't swallow the crystal nuclei rashly, but gathered together and planned to come with Luo Xiaran In exchange for wood energy.

 Scheduled release~ There is also the last update~ Dear friends, please support me~
(End of this chapter)

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