Chapter 550 No Trace
After the deal was reached, He Mo stopped arguing with Luo Xiaran.After paying the price of the meal with the crystal nucleus, he got up with Tang Yuanjie and Shao Ming to say goodbye.

One of the reasons why He Mo came to the inn was to meet Luo Xiaran, and the other was to meet Jun Lie.And since Jun Lie was not around, he also had an unexpected harvest, so he stopped staying any longer.

Anyway, Luo Xiaran is Jun Lie's fiancée, and it's not convenient for them to chat with a girl for too long.Besides, Luo Xiaran is like a little fox with a very strict mouth. He Mo thinks that he can't find any other useful information. Although he is more curious about Luo Xiaran, he can only busy himself with their own affairs first.

After all, looking at the situation, it is impossible for Luo Xiaran to leave the Kyoto base in a short time.And He Mo doesn't think that the Jun family sneaked into the capital base just to solicit business for Luo Xiaran's inn, that's really overkill.

It's a pity that He Mo, a smart person, sometimes is easy to be smart but is mistaken by smartness.Although the members of the Jun family who were assigned by Luo Xiaran to the Kyoto base were to obtain news about the Kyoto base, the most important thing was really to make a name for the inn and solicit business.

Ever since Luo Xiaran confessed to Jun Lie the importance of the inn to her, Jun Lie would of course regard the inn as important as Luo Xiaran.Then what the Jun family did would naturally be the same.

After seeing off He Mo and Tang Yuanjie, the business of the inn gradually increased.From one or two a day, it has increased to three or five or even more, basically one team at a time. Although Luo Xiaran is not sure how many of these people are here to investigate, as long as there are enough crystal nuclei , No matter who they are, they all trade equally.

Probably because Luo Xiaran's neutral attitude was too obvious, so although the inn attracted attention, no one really attacked the inn.After all, the supplies in the inn are much cheaper than those in the Kyoto base, and anyone who does not take advantage of the advantages is a fool.

The news of Jun Lie also came back that night, because Jun Lie was worried about leaving Luo Xiaran at the base in Kyoto, so they hurried on the road, and now they have traveled a normal distance.If it weren't for Mu Maode and other researchers who were delicate and frail, Luo Xiaran guessed that Jun Lie would probably go further.

My heart feels sorry for Jun Lie's desperate efforts, and Luo Xiaran misses Jun Lie more and more day by day.Ever since she was reborn, Jun Lie had always been by her side, and she couldn't get used to the sudden separation.

So I have to say that Jun Lie's plan is indeed successful, at least now Luo Xiaran can't do without him at all.And because of this separation, the shadow of Jun Lie in Luo Xiaran's heart became even stronger.

And from the news from Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran also knew some attitudes of Tang Yuanjie and He Mo towards him.Although it is not guaranteed to be [-]% harmless, at least in the short term they will not confront each other.

Now that Jun Lie said so, Luo Xiaran naturally felt more at ease in making a deal with Tang Yuanjie and the others.After noon on the third day, Luo Xiaran had already brought enough supplies to the lobby of the inn, and only waited for Tang Yuanjie's men to arrive.

It's a pity that Luo Xiaran waited until sunset, and the outside of the inn was still empty, not to mention Tang Yuanjie's team, and even the previous guests were gone...

 Scheduled release ~ 24 house sweeping, everyone started to act?
(End of this chapter)

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