Chapter 551 Mutated Birds
Fortunately, this time Luo Xiaran was not confused for long, and soon saw the earth-type supernatural being hurried down from upstairs, and said to Luo Xiaran: "Sister-in-law, people from the Kyoto base have heard information."

"Huh? What's the news?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran walked into the lobby, sat down and asked.I thought I could make a lot of money today, but now it seems that there is no chance.

"The Kyoto base was attacked by mutated birds. Because they were unprepared, many people were killed and injured." The earth-type supernatural being said with a serious expression. After all, they still have their own people in the safe zone, so they are naturally very worried.

According to the information obtained before, the supernatural beings in the inner city of the Kyoto base underestimate the ordinary people in the outer city, so the survivors staying in the outer city are the most dangerous when they encounter mutated birds.

Don't forget, mutated birds fly in the air. How can ordinary people without supernatural powers, guns and ammunition attack mutated birds that can fly and dodge freely?
"Mutated birds? Send news to Xiao Zhenyan and Jun Lie, saying that there might be zombie birds appearing, and make them vigilant." Luo Xiaran said after pursing her lips.I didn't expect the mutated birds to appear so early. Fortunately, no zombie birds appeared, otherwise it would be even more dangerous.

Luo Xiaran couldn't help but frowned at the fact that the sudden appearance of the mutated bird interrupted her arrangement.Sure enough, I noticed too little in my previous life, and I don't know if the Kyoto base can last until the mutated birds disperse.

But think about it, heavy snow is coming soon, whether it is mutant animals, mutant zombies, or mutant plants, they all need to prepare for winter just like the survivors, right?
Luo Xiaran was naturally not afraid of the appearance of mutated birds or zombie birds while staying in the inn. What she was worried about was the situation in the safe zone.Since the end of the zombie siege, Luo Xiaran really didn't have much time to pay close attention to the specific situation of the other two bases. Every time she went there, she just took the profit from the inn.

After the earth-type supernatural user left, Luo Xiaran sat in the lobby thinking.Although the Kyoto base may greatly reduce the number of survivors due to this mutated bird attack, the demand for supplies will only be greater.

After all, fighting consumes a lot of energy, and the needs of supernatural beings are relatively large, so in order not to go hungry, Luo Xiaran's inn is naturally the best choice.

But the premise is that this attack of mutated birds must end. Since the location of the inn is some distance away from the Kyoto base, there is no way to detect Luo Xiaran's mental abilities, so in the end, I just ordered the cook to step up preparations. dry food.

As for the team members upstairs, Luo Xiaran didn't restrict their actions after thinking about it.Anyway, even if they were allowed to stay, they probably wouldn't feel at ease.What's more, the beast core of the mutated bird is also system energy for Luo Xiaran, and Luo Xiaran doesn't think they can't even beat a group of birds.

Watching the team go away, Luo Xiaran returned to the upstairs, but began to practice.Psychic abilities are still a step away from advancing. Since no one will come now, she might as well take the opportunity to advance.

Luo Xiaran also decided to try to absorb the previous crystal nucleus that belonged to Ping Minnan.If he can really master the psychic traits belonging to Ping Minnan, then Luo Xiaran's abilities will also be greatly improved.

After turning on the automatic defense system of the inn, Luo Xiaran began to practice with peace of mind...

 Timely release ~ ask for support ~
(End of this chapter)

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