Chapter 557 Can't Move Me
For Luo Xiaran who put away the crystal nucleus without looking at it, He Mo's guilt increased a lot.Even though he had plotted against many people for Tang Yuanjie in the past, both men and women, but He Mo's bottom line was not to plot against children, and Luo Xiaran was just a child in He Mo's eyes.

Probably because it was the first time to plot against a child like Luo Xiaran, so He Mo pursed his lips, and said: "The base in Kyoto is not safe. If you want to settle down here, you should be careful. Although it is right and wrong Well, there are always people who don't like that."

If they didn't leave the Kyoto base, they might be able to provide some help to Luo Xiaran in the Kyoto base.But because of the Tang family and those good people, it will only be more dangerous for He Mo and the others to stay in the capital base.

But it's not that He Mo didn't keep people in the capital base, so if someone really attacked Luo Xiaran, He Mo wouldn't pretend to be ignorant.

This time they owe Luo Xiaran themselves, so if Luo Xiaran is in danger in the future, even if it's not for Jun Lie's sake, He Mo will not stand idly by.

So when Luo Xiaran didn't realize it, she made a group of strong men in the last days to make a private promise of protection that no one else could obtain no matter how hard they worked.

"Thank you Brother He, I understand. But there is no better candidate, and I don't think the Kyoto base can move me." Luo Xiaran did have a lot of worries before, but now that the psychic power has changed again, it is also It gave Luo Xiaran more confidence.

Next, just find a few suitable team leaders and cast psychic powers on them, then when necessary, Luo Xiaran can get the information she wants at any time.

It's just that compared with zombies, the human brain consumes mental power all the time, so when manipulating survivors, it is necessary to replenish mental abilities or replace candidates from time to time.

Although this is a bit troublesome, the psychic ability is not easy to detect, and it will only be safer.Even people with the same psychic ability may not be able to detect it.Just like when she first confronted the zombies manipulated by Ping Minnan, didn't she discover it so quickly?

What's more, even if there is someone out there, a person with psychic powers higher than Luo Xiaran appears in the sky, and discovers the existence of psychic powers, in the case of a long distance, it is possible that the person behind her has not been discovered. what?

Seeing Luo Xiaran's confident appearance, He Mo had no choice but to nod, but he was thinking in his heart that the last group of people who planned to evacuate before should stay in the capital base.

In any case, without the existence of Luo Xiaran and the inn, He Mo reckoned that their evacuation would not be so fast, and even a lot of people would have to be folded in.

So He Mo has already made up his mind, he must take care of Luo Xiaran more, lest Luo Xiaran, a little fox, finish playing with him.He didn't know when Jun Lie would come back, but He Mo felt that if Jun Lie was here in the capital, he would be more at ease.

After hesitating for a while, He Mo still asked: "I don't know when Jun Lie will come back? Are you planning to stay in the capital?" Although the Jun family's territory has always been in S City, since the end of the Tang family is almost collapsed, and I don't know what is going on with the Jun family, so that Jun Lie, the future heir to the family head, will leave S City and come to Kyoto...

 Scheduled release ~[-]:[-]~ Eyes hurt, go to bed~
(End of this chapter)

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