Chapter 558

Although He Mo is indeed smart, it is impossible to think that such a variable as Luo Xiaran will appear beside Jun Lie.If Luo Xiaran didn't exist, the Jun family might have the situation He Mo conjectured, but it's a pity that it's not the case now.

However, due to the interruption of communication after the end of the world, it is extremely inconvenient to communicate between cities, let alone being far away from several provinces and cities.Therefore, He Mo has no way of knowing that the development momentum of the Jun family even faintly shows signs of surpassing the Kyoto base.

Even though the security base in City S cannot compare with the large number of survivors in the Kyoto base, it is hundreds of times stronger than the Kyoto base in terms of supplies and the spiritual outlook of the survivors.

And Luo Xiaran didn't mean to hide He Mo's question. After a slight smile, Luo Xiaran said: "Jun Lie has returned to S City, and he probably won't be back in a short time."

Although the plan of He Mo and others to leave the Kyoto base affected Luo Xiaran's previous arrangements, without the influence of He Mo and Tang Yuanjie, Luo Xiaran could get enough information by relying on the Jun family.

So after Jun Lie successfully arrived at the security base in Anping District, Luo Xiaran would use the inn's ability to return to City S.Anyway, it is almost exposed, so there is no need to pay attention to this.

"Huh? That's it." Hearing this, not only He Mo, but also Tang Yuanjie's eyes flashed with surprise.Didn't they say they were engaged?So why is Jun Lie so relieved to keep Luo Xiaran here?Thinking of this, after the two looked at each other, they couldn't help but doubt Luo Xiaran.

But think about it, Luo Xiaran's wood-type attack is strong enough, and there are also healing and space abilities, so even if there are only a few hundred people in the team, they should be able to return to S City safely. right.

What's more, the inn is still under development, and Tang Yuanjie and He Mo don't think that Luo Xiaran will give up their business easily.It's just that this is a matter between Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, so although Tang Yuanjie and the two are curious, they will not ask the bottom line without knowing each other.

Don't forget, they've only met for the second time.It was already surprising that Luo Xiaran could promise them a grace period of payment for the goods for a few days, so how could he really pour out his heart and soul to them?
"Boss, get ready." Before Luo Xiaran could continue speaking, a man came in from outside, leaned over Tang Yuanjie's side and said.Although a ton of cargo is not a small amount, after the post-apocalyptic tempering, a team of people quickly moved and loaded it.

"Now that we're done, let's take our leave. Thank you Xia Ran this time. We still have people in the Kyoto base. If you need them, you can go to No. 147 in the inner city to ask them for help." He Mo heard the words , stood up and said to Luo Xiaran.

After they left, it probably wouldn't take two days for the group of people in the capital base to focus on Luo Xiaran's inn, and I don't know if Luo Xiaran can seize this opportunity.

"Okay, I get it. Let's go slowly, I wish you all a smooth journey, safe and sound, come to my place for seafood dinner when you have time." Luo Xiaran also stood up, shook hands with the two, and then watched them off Walked out of the inn.

Although He Mo didn't say some words, Luo Xiaran could feel them.But since she accepted the business with He Mo, of course she was already prepared, wasn't she?

 Scheduled release~ Seeing that someone said that they couldn't stand it anymore, uh, I'm a little bit stuck.But if you don't like it, just fork it out, after all, it's hard to adjust~
(End of this chapter)

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