Chapter 562 Someone was injured
The next morning, the sun was shining brightly outside the inn.After breakfast, walking out of the inn, the air felt icy cold, and the cold wind swept across the barren land, making everything even more desolate.

Before Luo Xiaran felt emotional, a small motorcade was gradually heading towards the inn against the sun.Without psychic powers, Luo Xiaran could tell from the car that this was their own team.

After waiting for less than 10 minutes, the convoy finally arrived at the gate of the inn.Noticing Luo Xiaran, a team member who opened the car door and jumped out hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, someone is injured."

"Injured? Where? Is it serious? Why did it take you so long to come back?" Luo Xiaran asked, walking a few steps towards the convoy.When the door was opened, a bloody smell emanated from the inside of the car.

The strong smell of blood gave Luo Xiaran a bad feeling, and the team member who was questioned by Luo Xiaran said at this time: "It was pecked by a mutated bird, and the internal organs were ruptured. I was in the capital base before. It was inconvenient to move, but fortunately, I found a little nurse to help me sew the stitches, and I rushed back after the bleeding stopped. But because of the smell of blood, I encountered zombies on the road, which delayed some time."

"Well, don't worry, I'll treat him first." Luo Xiaran nodded after hearing the words, and got into the car without caring so much.Fortunately, they were brought to a van for convenience, so there was still room in the car.

Because the seats in the van had been removed, sleeping bags were spread directly in the car, while the injured team members were lying unconscious on top of the sleeping bags, wrapped in a layer of cotton clothes to keep warm and prevent bacteria from invading from the outside.

On the side of the team member in hand, sat a girl in her twenties, wrapped in a man's clothes that didn't fit well, looking at Luo Xiaran with blinking eyes, clenched her fists slightly nervously .

Glancing at the girl, although she was a stranger, Luo Xiaran didn't pay too much attention.Since he will be brought back, it should be someone who has no problems, but he does not know what identity he was brought back with.But think about it, most of the people in the team are single, could it be a girlfriend?While thinking about it, Luo Xiaran began to cast a healing ability.

Fortunately, the wound has been sutured before, and there is no sign of bleeding, and even some medicine powder is applied on it.With Luo Xiaran's treatment, the wounded's tensed brows gradually eased.

It wasn't until the external wounds completely disappeared during the treatment that Luo Xiaran breathed a sigh of relief.Luo Xiaran took out the anti-inflammatory medicine and drinking water from the system backpack, and prepared to feed them to the wounded.After all, wounds on internal organs are not so easy to heal, so anti-inflammatory is also essential.

When Luo Xiaran was worrying about how to give the pills to the unconscious team members, the girl on the side said cautiously: "I'll give him the medicine, I'm a nurse."

"Oh? Then I'll trouble you." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran handed over the anti-inflammatory medicine and the water bottle.The girl skillfully moved the wounded man's head to her thigh, then opened the wounded man's mouth, put in the pill and poured water, then leaned over and kissed the wounded man's lips, and helped him swallow it.

Luo Xiaran squinted her eyes to watch the girl's movements, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.Looking at the situation, could it be that a hero saved the beauty?After all, the gentle eyes of the girl looking at the wounded made people have to think about it...

 Scheduled release~Emma, ​​I haven't bought the New Year's goods yet~
(End of this chapter)

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