Chapter 563 Ying Xiaoyu

After finishing the treatment, everyone walked into the inn.While sending the wounded to the guest room upstairs, he was preparing to report to Luo Xiaran.But because there was an outsider like the little nurse, he didn't say much.

"Hello, I'm Luo Xiaran, the owner of this store. I haven't asked your name yet." After saying a few words, Luo Xiaran asked the team members to go upstairs to the guest room to rest, and then looked at the little nurse. He said while pouring tea.

"Hi, Miss Luo, my name is Ying Xiaoyu." Ying Xiaoyu took the teacup from Luo Xiaran cautiously, but held it in her hand without any intention of drinking it.But Ying Xiaoyu wasn't worried that the tea was not clean, but that she was so nervous that she didn't know what to do.

The reason why the former team member was injured, in the final analysis, was indeed Ying Xiaoyu's body.Thinking that the other party almost died because of saving her, Ying Xiaoyu became even more disturbed towards Luo Xiaran.

After all, through the conversation between Luo Xiaran and the team members just now, it can be heard that Luo Xiaran is the leader of this team.Ying Xiaoyu didn't know what Luo Xiaran would think of herself.

"Don't be nervous. If you don't mind, can I call you Xiaoyu? You can also just call me Xiaran." Luo Xiaran smiled reassuringly at Ying Xiaoyu, and unfolded her psychic powers.

Under the influence of Luo Xiaran's mental abilities, Ying Xiaoyu slowly calmed down, nodded to Luo Xiaran and said, "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, Xia Ran."

"Xiaoyu, you are a nurse. Did you know the one just now?" Luo Xiaran said after withdrawing her psychic abilities.Although under the psychic powers, ordinary people like Ying Xiaoyu may know everything and talk endlessly when they are unprepared.

However, considering that the other party might have something to do with his team members, Luo Xiaran naturally wouldn't do that, otherwise it would be bad if it would affect their relationship in the future.

"Well, I have been a nurse for four years. We know each other, and we were neighbors for several years before." Ying Xiaoyu pursed her lips, lowered her head and said.In fact, Ying Xiaoyu confessed to the other party when the relationship first started, but unfortunately he disappeared before he got the answer from the other party. Naturally, Ying Xiaoyu felt that the other party didn't mean anything to her.

"So that's the case. Then can I ask Xiao Yu to take care of him for me? Although I have healing abilities, I haven't studied medical knowledge, so I need a special person to be responsible for the next cultivation." See There was something wrong with Ying Xiaoyu's mood, Luo Xiaran asked after thinking about it.

Since they are acquaintances, and by Ying Xiaoyu's appearance, she should have affection for him, then Luo Xiaran doesn't mind being a matchmaker herself.Although it is the end of the world, the love between men and women will not be affected by the end of the world, will it?

"Huh?" Ying Xiaoyu raised her head in surprise, looked at Luo Xiaran for a while, and then nodded in agreement.No matter what, the other party was injured just to save him, so it would be bad if he just didn't care about it.

What's more, they brought themselves back, protected their own safety along the way, and didn't do anything ugly to themselves. Compared with the previous situation in the Kyoto base, it is much better. If they can continue to stay, of course it is the best it's...

 Scheduled release~ It's early morning, call it a day and go to sleep~
(End of this chapter)

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