Chapter 564
But of course Luo Xiaran didn't completely believe Ying Xiaoyu's words. After all, the injured team members were still in a coma, and all the reasons had to be confirmed after they regained consciousness.

So although there were many large rooms in the inn, Ying Xiaoyu was finally arranged in the Datongpu room together with other team members.But for the sake of convenience, Luo Xiaran asked the shop waiter to take a screen over, after all, Ying Xiaoyu is also a girl, isn't she?

About three hours later, the injured team member woke up.It's just because the internal organs haven't fully recovered, so it's not easy to move, so it's Luo Xiaran who came here in person.

"There is no problem with the trauma, but the internal problems need to be more careful. I still have some wound medicine here, you remember to take them on time." Sitting on the bedside, Luo Xiaran said with peace of mind when she saw that the team members looked normal.

All the way from the end of the world to the present, only the last time when facing Ping Minnan, someone around him died.That feeling was not good, so Luo Xiaran didn't want to continue to put others in danger.

Although the apocalypse itself is full of dangers, she may not be able to save everyone.But Luo Xiaran naturally did her best when she could.Fortunately, there is Lu Tongtong, a powerful light-type supernatural being in S City, who can treat the wounded, which also makes Luo Xiaran's heart less heavy.

"Thank you sister-in-law, I'm really sorry for your trouble." The team member lay on the bed, smiled embarrassedly and said thank you.In fact, if it wasn't for saving Ying Xiaoyu this time, he wouldn't have suffered such a serious injury.

"Why are my family being so polite? Tell me about Ying Xiaoyu. Are you going to keep him?" Shaking his head, signaling to the team members that you don't have to be polite, then Luo Xiaran asked.

Luo Xiaran herself doesn't mind the increase in the number of members in the team, after all, she doesn't lack those few bites.But the premise is that the people brought into the team are safe enough. Even if Ying Xiaoyu looks weak and not aggressive on the outside, it still needs to be observed carefully for a while.

Zombies and mutated animals and plants are not scary in the last days. What is scary is the betrayal of the people behind them. After all, it is impossible to guard against.And if they keep guarding against the people behind them not giving them trust, their team will come to an end if things go on like this.

"Eh..." Hearing this, the team members hesitated, and finally began to say with a little embarrassment: "I have been neighbors with her for five or six years, and I have always liked Xiaoyu. At the beginning, Xiaoyu confessed to me, but unfortunately I didn't Before I could reply in time, I received a long-term assignment, and then lost contact."

Members of a team like theirs have long-term missions with uncertain times, and the team members don't know whether they should thank themselves for not responding back then, so that Ying Xiaoyu would not waste her youth, or the heartache of not being able to hold the girl she likes in her arms.

Seeing the team members like this, Luo Xiaran sighed slightly in his heart.Man, meritorious service is the most important thing, no wonder there are so many bachelors in the team.I am busy with tasks every day, and if I don't pay attention, there will be a crisis of revealing my identity, so how can I have a relationship with a girl?
But Luo Xiaran could tell that Ying Xiaoyu still liked him.What's more, it's the end of the world now, even if he still needs to lurk in the Kyoto base, he won't disappear from Ying Xiaoyu's eyes again, right?
That being the case, Luo Xiaran also hoped that the lover would get married in the end, and then said: "Some things should be made clear in person. If you don't say it, how do you know there is no chance? It's the end of the world, so don't worry about it." It's more."

 Scheduled release~ This book is expected to be completed with a word count of around 100 million~ Although the author's writing is not good, but the quality is guaranteed, and the book will definitely be completed normally~
(End of this chapter)

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