Chapter 592
Although the dining atmosphere in the cafeteria was very high, the tables in front of everyone were filled with plates of big dumplings stuffed with radish and pork, as well as big bones in sauce and other delicacies.It's a pity that Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie and others who were dining in the room could not appreciate the joy of everyone.

After eating lunch in an abnormal silence, the bowls and chopsticks were directly placed on the dining table, Luo Xiaran and the others got up and took Fu Yixian to an inn.

Because when I came here, I took Lengxi's convoy, and the convoy had been arranged by Juncheng to go to other places, so when I went back, I took the jeep that Luo Xiaran took out from the system backpack, and Junlie was the driver. , responsible for driving the car to an inn.

The vehicle walked for nearly 10 minutes in the heavy snow before arriving at the gate of Youjian Inn.The door was open, but no wind and snow entered it, it was just thickly accumulated outside the threshold of the inn door.

Luo Xiaran breathed a sigh of relief at the temperature in the inn, and then ordered the waiter to prepare rooms for Leng Xi and Fu Yixian.Since Master Diao is with the team, there is currently no way to serve Leng Xi.

Because Leng Xi was in a bad mood, Luo Xiaran frowned, and finally remained silent.Anyway, Leng Xi has already made a decision, so what will happen next, he can only do his best, and finally resign himself to fate.

Before returning to the room, Luo Xiaran went to the innermost room on the third floor to say hello to Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui.Even though she was in the inn, she couldn't keep staring at Leng Xi and Fu Yixian's room all the time, could she?So in order to avoid accidents, it is better for Luo Zhaoxian and his wife to pay more attention to safety.

Just two hours after returning to the inn, the howling wind and snow outside the inn gradually stopped.I saw that the snow accumulated on the road was enough to bury an adult's waist, and the temperature outside the inn also dropped by more than minus 30 degrees.

The weather was too cold, and the people who finally carried out the snow clearing activities were basically people with fire and ice abilities.Of course, there are also survivors who are not afraid of the cold, and they will also join this action. After all, each survivor who participates in the snow clearing mission can get ten contribution points per ton according to the amount of snow cleared.

The task of clearing the snow lasted for three full days, and finally a city wall made of snow was built on the outer eaves of the ditch outside the safe zone.Because of the combination of water-type supernatural beings and ice-type supernatural beings, the snow-covered city wall is very hard. Even a power-mutating powerhouse needs three or five punches to leave marks on the snow-covered city wall.

And Leng Xi, who had been quiet in the room for three days, finally walked out of his and Fu Yixian's room amidst Master Diao's voice.Now that the person has been found, he can't continue to be decadent, can he?Even if he didn't have a powerful enough ability, Leng Xi had to fight in order for Fu Yixian to eat the crystal nucleus.

Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie who were sitting in the lobby were relieved to see Leng Xi finally stepped out of the room.Luo Xiaran breathed a sigh of relief because she was worried about Leng Xi, while Jun Lie didn't want to see Leng Xi, a formerly admirable man, go silent.

There is no opponent in the last days, which makes people feel uneasy.No matter how powerful the zombies are, they still don't have brains as flexible as humans. In the long run, Jun Lie feels that his team will get rusted because of this.

 Scheduled release~ I wish you all a happy new year: peace, happiness, happiness and long life every year~
(End of this chapter)

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