Chapter 593 Tolerance Limit
Leng Xi, who walked out of the room, took Fu Yixian with one hand, followed by Mr. Diao, and the three of them went downstairs one after the other.It may be that after three days he has calmed down, so Leng Xi's complexion is as usual, and his breath is not the kind of gloomy that makes Luo Xiaran frown.

"Brother Leng, how about I check my sister-in-law after dinner? Or let Mu Maode come, he was the former deputy director of the research institute." Luo Xiaran poured a cup of tea for Leng Xi and Master Diao After that, he spoke with a suggestion.

"Well, please trouble Xia Ran." Because of what happened to Fu Yixian, Leng Xi naturally didn't have a good impression of the researchers.

Instead of opening his mouth, just looking at Leng Xi's suddenly cold expression, Luo Xiaran understood that it was absolutely impossible for him to let Mu Maode come to see Fu Yixian.

But Fu Yixian is now a mutated zombie, and the less people know about it, the better.Otherwise, the news that Jun Lie and she left the mutated zombies in the city would probably cause turmoil in the safe zone.

Although Jun Lie is now in complete control of the entire safety zone, but people are unpredictable and greedy, there are always people who are doing some unrealistic fantasies in private, aren't they?
Perhaps Jun Lie would not be affected by this, but if the survivors in the safe zone were affected by this, it would be a waste of so many supplies Luo Xiaran contributed to the safe zone.

"Brother Leng, how many crystal nuclei have you fed your sister-in-law in the past three days? If you can, you still have to confirm the limit of your sister-in-law's hunger. If you feed too much, sister-in-law is very powerful now, so no one can possibly It can be cured. Brother Leng doesn't want his sister-in-law to escape by herself, does she?" Luo Xiaran tapped her fingers on the table, seeing Fu Yixian still sitting stupidly beside Leng Xi, she said quietly.

After all, her parents still have to live in the inn all the time, and there will even be guests in the future. If Fu Yixian becomes too powerful, it will not only bring danger, but also cause Luo Xiaran to consume too much system energy for restraint. Who made it impossible for her to let such a dangerous mutant zombie as Fu Yixian escape.

"I understand. In the past three days, only one crystal nucleus was given, which is white." Leng Xi nodded, turned his gaze to Fu Yixian, and said while watching her tenderly.Although Leng Xi didn't want to make Fu Yixian feel bad, he even more didn't want Fu Yixian to be able to escape, so of course it was impossible to give Fu Yixian more crystal nuclei.

Fortunately, Fu Yixian doesn't know why, and the demand for crystal cores is not high, not to mention that she ate a few crystal cores snatched from Luo Xiaran before, and her skinny body has improved a little.

"Brother Leng is clear in his heart. Next, I will sort out the spiritual power for my sister-in-law every time she eats the crystal core. I noticed before that when the sister-in-law gets the crystal core, her mental power fluctuates a lot. Find a breakthrough." Luo Xiaran saw that Leng Xi had her own plans, so she stopped talking and brought up the treatment of Fu Yixian instead.

Although the cold winter lasts for five months, if Fu Yixian's condition cannot improve before the end of the cold winter, then there is probably little hope.Maybe we can wait until Luo Xiaran's psychic powers are advanced again, but it's a pity that it's more difficult to advance psychic powers, and Luo Xiaran can't be sure when she can do it.

"Okay, I'll also test Xian'er's tolerance." Leng Xi naturally knows that Fu Yixian has a sense of the existence of the crystal nucleus, and hopes that Fu Yixian can really recover her sanity, even if she has no memory of him, but she can Normal communication, Leng Xi already has nothing to ask for...

 Scheduled release~ There is still more than an hour before the Spring Festival Gala~ There are still kisses to watch Wenwenbaa~ I wish everyone a happy early year, auspicious year of the dog, and a happy family~
(End of this chapter)

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