Chapter 601 Gossip
What's more, even if Feng Yuman's face is slightly flawed, but she is tall and well-proportioned, which belongs to the kind that most men like.Therefore, due to various reasons, now Feng Yuman will be related to Jun Lie from time to time in everyone's words.

Sure enough, this Feng Yuman is not a law-abiding woman!Luo Xiaran pursed her lips, thinking with disgust.With so many rumors and rumors, it is impossible for Luo Xiaran to do anything to Feng Yuman.

What's more, Luo Xiaran can't trouble Feng Yuman just because of these rumors, can she?Since she has been pretending to be a savage lady in front of Feng Yuman, it's no wonder that Feng Yuman came up with such a plan to annoy her.

Seeing Luo Xiaran's uneasy expression, everyone stopped talking about Feng Yuman.Anyway, they mentioned Feng Yuman to make Luo Xiaran more vigilant, so as not to be tricked by Feng Yuman if he didn't check for a while.

Of course, everyone would not think that Jun Lie would have something to do with Feng Yuman. After all, it is well known that the men in the Jun family are infatuated. is a disaster.

So everyone hoped that Luo Xiaran would pay more attention to her own safety, so as to avoid irreparable losses caused by Jun Lie to the safe zone in case of accident.After all, they have also paid a lot for the safe zone. Although it is not impossible to live outside the safe zone, they don't want to waste their hard work, do they?
Even though Luo Xiaran's own strength is not weak, in the eyes of everyone, the first thing to pay attention to is her petite appearance.What's more, compared to Luo Xiaran, everyone is older than her, so naturally they care more about her.Who made Luo Xiaran officially become Jun Lie's wife and the mistress of the Jun family soon?

Luo Xiaran knew nothing about what everyone was thinking.At this time, Luo Xiaran was thinking in her heart how to deal with Feng Yuman. This woman might not bring her any danger, but if she was allowed to continue coveting Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran couldn't bear it no matter what. go down.

Before Luo Xiaran could come up with a good solution, the waiter in the shop had already started serving food. After everyone had dinner together, they went back to their rooms to rest one after another.I don't know why, Luo Xiaran always felt that Jun Lie didn't have a good appetite tonight, and he didn't eat much. Could it be that he was not feeling well?
She returned to the room full of doubts, and before Luo Xiaran could ask, she was hugged by Jun Lie, and then the burning kiss swallowed Luo Xiaran's puzzlement, leaving her no chance to continue thinking.

After a long time, Jun Lie reluctantly let go of Luo Xiaran's red lips.Looking at her slightly watery eyes, Jun Lie raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.Thinking of tomorrow's arrangements, Jun Lie's heart was filled with enthusiasm, and he almost couldn't hold it back.

"Huh...why do you eat so little? Is there something uncomfortable?" After a long time, Luo Xiaran, who came to her senses, sat on Jun Lie's lap and asked, leaning on Jun Lie's shoulder.

"No, I smell you. Did you cook anything delicious?" Because Luo Xiaran didn't change the wash after cooking, Jun Lie who was sitting next to Luo Xiaran could naturally smell it.Thinking of Luo Xiaran preparing meals for herself, Jun Lie naturally wouldn't eat more from the cook.

Luo Xiaran didn't expect Jun Lie to think of this, she stood up from Jun Lie's body a little embarrassedly, then put four dishes, one soup and rice on the coffee table, watching Jun Lie appreciate his craftsmanship Gobble it up...

 Regular release~Happy New Year~
(End of this chapter)

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