Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 602 Exchange for Crystal Nuclei

Chapter 602 Exchange for Crystal Nuclei
However, because Luo Xiaran used the meat of mutated livestock to make meals, Jun Lie, who had eaten a meal, did not eat too much.Luo Xiaran's craftsmanship is very good, so Jun Lie has been using the fire ability to keep them warm, and then let Luo Xiaran put them away again, and eat them when preparing for the next meal.

After brewing a pot of hawthorn tea for digestion and giving it to Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran was very happy that Jun Lie was so supportive.The happiness of being able to cook the food he likes for the person he likes is probably why so many women like to wash their hands and make soup.

When she was with Wu Yan'an in her previous life, it was because Luo Xiaran was not good at cooking at first, but in ancient times, Luo Xiaran learned to cook, but at that time Wu Yan'an was fighting for imperial power, so naturally she didn't have time to accompany her. Luo Xiaran had dinner together.

Shaking his head, drinking the slightly sour hawthorn tea, after the two sat outside for about an hour, Luo Xiaran got up and walked to Leng Xi's room.

I said before that today I will sort out the mental power in Fu Yixian's brain. Although it is a little late now, I still have to try it once.By the way, you can also start testing Fu Yixian's minimum requirements for crystal cores from tomorrow.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door, only to find that it was Master Diao who opened the door.But thinking about it, Leng Xi's own abilities are naturally inferior to Fu Yixian's dark abilities, and with Master Diao around, he will be much safer.

It's just that Luo Xiaran doesn't know what Master Diao's supernatural power is until now. Although it feels very powerful, it arouses Luo Xiaran's curiosity even more, but it's not convenient to ask, after all, Master Diao doesn't look like that at all. Did not mean to say.

"Brother Leng, have you eaten yet? I'll show my sister-in-law another look." Luo Xiaran dragged Jun Lie to sit opposite Leng Xi and Fu Yixian, and said.

Fu Yixian still had an expressionless face and empty eyes, while Leng Xi had returned to her usual complexion, and even had a slight smile on her lips, as if something good had happened.

"I just ate a white crystal nucleus for Xianer. Do you still have any white crystal nucleus? I don't have many white crystal nucleus left here. You can exchange some with me." Leng Xi took Fu Yixian's hand , stroking the traces on Fu Yixian's fingertips, since he noticed that the traces on Fu Yixian's body would fade after eating the crystal nucleus, Leng Xi's mood has improved a lot.

Even if she becomes a mutated zombie, a woman will still care about her appearance.Thinking of Fu Yixian from before, Leng Xi felt that she would not be unhappy when Fu Yixian regained her sanity.

"Okay, how about giving Brother Leng a hundred first?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran nodded, and asked while taking out a hundred white crystal nuclei.White crystal nuclei are now the cheapest crystal nuclei. Currently, only five white crystal nuclei can be exchanged for one miscellaneous grain pancake.

And when Fu Yixian noticed the crystal nucleus, she was ready to snatch it again. Fortunately, Jun Lie was prepared this time, and together with Master Diao, he guarded against Fu Yixian's movements until the crystal nucleus was taken into Leng Xi's hand. Inside the box, Fu Yixian became quiet again.

Taking this opportunity, Luo Xiaran once again entered Fu Yixian's brain with two strands of mental power, and followed the most active mental power to wander in Fu Yixian's brain for a while.

But this time Luo Xiaran was able to read the appetite from Fu Yixian's brain, which made the corners of her mouth curl up. Sure enough, this method is feasible, at least it can confirm that Fu Yixian still has feelings now.

 Regular release~Happy New Year~hahaha, I was so dizzy when I wrote this chapter that I almost forgot to post it

(End of this chapter)

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