Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 604 The Fiery Red Wedding Dress

Chapter 604 The Fiery Red Wedding Dress
It was a good night's dream. The next morning, Luo Xiaran was awakened by knocking on the door.When I got up to look, I realized that Jun Lie had left without knowing when.And looking at the time, it was only six o'clock in the morning, could something have happened?Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran hurriedly got up and opened the door.

Standing outside the door were Chu Xinrui and Xi Ruolan. They were carrying a lot of things in their hands. After Luo Xiaran opened the door, they hurried into Luo Xiaran's room with their things.

"Mom, what are you going to do?" Luo Xiaran looked puzzled at the two people putting things on the table one after another. Seeing the excitement on their faces, she finally couldn't help asking.

"Baby, I didn't expect you to grow up so soon. Mom and Dad haven't taken care of you all these years, will the baby be angry with Mom and Dad?" Chu Xinrui didn't answer Luo Xiaran's question, but watched carefully Looking into Luo Xiaran's eyes, he spoke word by word.

"How could it be? I know that Mom and Dad love me very much, and that's enough." Although she was puzzled, Luo Xiaran answered Chu Xinrui's question seriously.Even if Luo Xiaran has lived alone for more than 20 years, the ones she cares about most and will never forget are her parents, so why would she be angry with them?
"Baby is so obedient, then you have to be obedient too." Chu Xinrui smiled when she heard this, took Luo Xiaran's hand and placed her in front of the vanity mirror. After seeing Luo Xiaran nodding obediently, Turning around, she winked at Xi Ruolan.

Xi Ruolan tiptoedly opened the door and walked out of Luo Xiaran's room. Less than a minute later, she walked in from the outside holding a fiery red wedding dress.

And Luo Xiaran, who was sitting in front of the vanity mirror, naturally noticed Xi Ruolan's movements through the mirror.When she saw clearly that it was a wedding dress, she couldn't help opening her eyes wide, and looked at Chu Xinrui in disbelief: "Mom!?"

"It's exactly what you think. Jun Lie has been preparing for almost a month. Although the wedding dress is not custom-made by a famous designer, both parents think this wedding dress is the most suitable for the baby." Chu Xinrui hugged Luo Xia Ran, stroked her long hair and said with emotion.

Although he was reluctant to marry Luo Xiaran to Jun Lie so early, Chu Xinrui didn't want him to be snatched away from Luo Xiaran by other women for such a rare and good man like Jun Lie.

Besides, even if Luo Xiaran married Jun Lie, they would still live together, wouldn't they?Moreover, Jun Lie's parents died young, and the other elders did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Jun Lie. After marrying Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran has the final say.

"I..." Although Luo Xiaran accepted Jun Lie's marriage proposal, she really did not expect that they would hold a wedding so soon.What's more, she didn't even receive any news before, and now her whole heart is beating non-stop with nervous 'plop plop plop', and she doesn't know what to say.

"Okay, don't waste any more time. The wedding is scheduled for nine o'clock, and the invitations have already been sent out. Let mother help the baby with makeup and dressing up. Lan Lan helps you braid your hair, and Jun Lie brought back a lot of beautiful headgear. Even if you can't dye and perm your hair, baby will be the most beautiful bride." Chu Xinrui knew that Luo Xiaran must be in a mess right now, so she kissed Luo Xiaran's forehead comfortingly, and then started to work.

Because of the cosmetics that Luo Xiaran gave her before, as well as the jewelry and headgear that Jun Lie brought back from the outside, more than an hour later, a dazzling beauty appeared in the vanity mirror...

 Scheduled release ~ la la la la ~ finally wrote about the wedding ~ super happy ~ today's tenth update is over ~ everyone is safe and happy in the year of the dog (^U^)ノ~YO~
(End of this chapter)

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