Chapter 605 Please marry me

At this moment, Luo Xiaran's ink-like long hair was coiled up high, with a hair accessory inlaid with diamonds and shining.There are black earrings on the exposed earlobes, and a necklace with a peony pendant on the neck. The peony flowers are in full bloom, as if carrying endless nobility and elegance.

She wore the fiery red tube top wedding dress and a pair of golden high heels on her body. She was tall and charming, with fair skin that could be broken by blows, exuding an indescribable temperament all over her body.Both Xi Ruolan and Chu Xinrui couldn't help being dumbfounded by the youthfulness of a girl and the temptation that didn't match their age.

Even everyone who has met Luo Xiaran knows that Luo Xiaran is very beautiful, after all, Luo Zhaoxian and Chu Xinrui are also very handsome.

It's a pity that because Luo Xiaran was on the road before, Luo Xiaran was always wearing tightly wrapped clothes. Probably only Jun Lie after meeting him frankly is the one who understands Luo Xiaran's charm best.

As for Chu Xinrui, who is a mother, it was because of the [-]th female college change, and because of her poor health, Luo Zhaoxian had been taking her to travel outside, so before she knew it, Luo Xiaran had already grown up.

What's more, the reborn Luo Xiaran is no longer that naive and ignorant pure girl in her heart, and her own temperament will of course change a lot invisibly.However, it was precisely because Luo Xiaran's heart did not match her appearance that the men were even more curious and concerned.

"Baby has really grown up!" When she came back to her senses, Chu Xinrui sighed with complicated emotions.Such a beautiful Luo Xiaran, in this chaotic apocalypse, probably only a man with strong force like Jun Lie can protect her.

Chu Xinrui also knows that there are many women with outstanding appearance in history who are known as 'beautiful women'.In the final analysis, it is precisely because these women's looks are too outstanding, but they don't have enough strength to protect themselves. In the end, they not only end up miserable, but also bear the curse of their names behind them.

She and Luo Zhaoxian were not young after all, if Jun Lie hadn't been by Luo Xiaran's side all the time, they wouldn't have worried that Luo Xiaran was running around alone.

Luo Xiaran looked at herself in the mirror, raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, and couldn't help feeling, no wonder even if Wu Yan'an was around in her previous life, there would still be men who wanted to touch her from time to time.

But now it is different from the previous life!She is about to hold a wedding with the man who loves her. This time, she will never experience the torture of betrayal again, and she will be happy forever.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran calmed down in an instant when she had been nervous before.Naturally, Luo Xiaran was also happy to be able to marry Jun Lie, and Luo Xiaran didn't think she would go wrong this time.

Noticing Xi Ruolan's envious eyes, Luo Xiaran wondered if she should help Xi Ruolan.After all, every woman hopes to have a romantic wedding of her own. Now that her wedding has come, she naturally hopes that everyone around her can get her own happiness.

Just when the three women in the house had different thoughts, there was another knock on the door.After recovering, Xi Ruolan opened the door, outside the door was wearing a neat suit, and the handsome and charming Jun Lie walked in.

Looking at the slightly shy Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie walked up to her step by step, knelt down on one knee in front of Luo Xiaran again, took out the ruby ​​ring and said, "Ran Ran, please marry me." .”

But this time, Jun Lie couldn't wait for Luo Xiaran's answer, so he directly took Luo Xiaran's hand, put the ring on Luo Xiaran's ring finger, then hugged Luo Xiaran and couldn't wait to go go downstairs...

 Scheduled release~ la la la, high energy ahead, dear friends pay attention~
(End of this chapter)

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