Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 610 The Missing Lu Tongtong

Chapter 610 The Missing Lu Tongtong
The binding time of just three seconds seemed as long as a century to Luo Xiaran.When hearing that the binding was successful, Luo Xiaran finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But even if the soul mate is bound, it doesn't mean that Jun Lie, who was seriously injured at this time, can immediately return to normal.Don't forget that they are not in the inn at this time, so for the sake of Jun Lie, she needs to return to the inn as soon as possible and use the system to treat him.

"Hug Jun Lie, and go back to the inn!" Shouting to the returning members of the Jun family, Luo Xiaran tore off the long skirt of the red wedding dress, and even kicked off her high heels, leaving her bare feet He walked out of the hotel first.

The cold touch of the snow calmed Luo Xiaran's mixed emotions. Although it was painful, it was not as good as one ten thousandth of Luo Xiaran's heart pain.Sitting in the driver's seat of the wedding car, after Jun Lie was sent into the car, Luo Xiaran didn't care too much, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

With a flick of the tail, the front of the car turned around, and then the wedding car rushed out under the gaze of everyone.Because the road area is more snowy and slippery, it also greatly increases the speed of the vehicle.

After Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's car had gone about 300 meters, Juncheng and Xiao Zhenyan ordered the team members to follow Luo Xiaran, and at the same time began to arrange the guests who came to the wedding. By the way, they had to find out the attack. Row.

Unexpectedly, despite all precautions, someone took advantage of the loophole in the end.Fortunately, they also remembered the faces of those attackers before, and now it's hard to go out of the city in heavy snow, as long as they are still in the safe zone, it is absolutely impossible for them to let these people go!
After seeing off the guests, Juncheng and Xiao Zhenyan noticed that Lu Tongtong and Chu Hao, who were supposed to attend the wedding, were not at the wedding scene. They had to wonder whether Lu Tongtong and Chu Hao were Already encountered poisonous hands.

And from this point of view, this attack should have been well prepared. After all, Chu Hao is now a gold-type supernatural user in the middle of the third level, and it should not be so easy to be attacked by others, unless he is relatively Get acquainted with the unsuspecting.So is it possible that there are traitors in the team?After looking at each other with Juncheng, both of them saw the suspicion in each other's eyes.

But after thinking about it, Lu Tongtong, a light-type supernatural being, has such a powerful healing ability, no one should kill her foolishly.The two thought with a little rejoicing in their hearts, and then began to order people to look for the traces of Lu Tongtong and Chu Hao.

While Juncheng and Xiao Zhenyan were working hard to investigate, Luo Xiaran had already brought Junlie back to the inn.Although Jun Lie's weight was not something that Luo Xiaran could carry, fortunately, Luo Xiaran gave birth to a hibernating mutated bitter grass, which restrained Jun Lie and entered the inn's gate.

Inside the inn, a waiter from the inn came to help, and Luo Xiaran quickly led Jun Lie into the backyard of the inn.Because of the sharing of system capabilities, Jun Lie can freely enter and exit the inn at this time.

Taking Jun Lie back to the small building belonging to Luo Xiaran, the operating system turned on the healing function.Since Jun Lie's injury was relatively serious, it took about 5 minutes to completely repair it.

During the five long minutes, Jun Lie's pale face and weak breathing gradually recovered.Leaning over Jun Lie's chest, listening to his gradually strong heartbeat, tears fell from Luo Xiaran's eyes again, and couldn't stop...

 Scheduled release~The update is completed today~Thank you for your support~Continue to wish everyone a happy new year~Safe and joy~Fushou Ankang~
(End of this chapter)

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