Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 611 I Don't Want You To Leave Me

Chapter 611 I Don't Want You To Leave Me

When Jun Lie came to his senses from the coma, the first thing he saw was Luo Xiaran's head lying on his body, and then he felt no pain in his body.

She moved her fingers, and before Jun Lie could sit up, Luo Xiaran straightened up and threw herself on Jun Lie's body, kissed Jun Lie's lips, feeling Jun Lie's heat, Luo Xiaran was completely relieved down.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine." Although he didn't know how he recovered so quickly, and the room he was in was a little strange, Jun Lie still cared more about Luo, who was crying heart-piercingly. Xia Ran.

Speaking of it, this was the first time Jun Lie saw Luo Xiaran crying so sadly, but even if Luo Xiaran was crying for himself, Jun Lie didn't want it to be.After all, he just promised that he wouldn't make Luo Xiaran sad, right?

About half an hour later, Luo Xiaran snuggled into Jun Lie's arms with red and swollen eyes.And Jun Lie has also recalled what Luo Xiaran said before he fell into a coma, and a word of reminder.

"Ran Ran, you should have something to tell me." Jun Lie gently stroked Luo Xia Ran, feeling Luo Xia Ran's body stiffen suddenly after he spoke, Jun Lie narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I..." Noticing the change in Jun Lie's breath, I felt it more clearly, and even vaguely felt that the sudden change in Jun Lie's mood was because he felt his own embarrassment. Luo Xiaran didn't know how to speak for a while. .

It turns out that after soul binding, can each other perceive each other's emotional changes?Luo Xiaran was feeling emotional while thinking in her heart: Even if Jun Lie would be happy because of this now, but in the long run they will not grow old and die, and they can't leave each other for too long, sooner or later, Jun Lie will feel regret.

And Jun Lie felt the panic in Luo Xiaran's heart. Although he was a little puzzled, he was still very happy about it.After all, most of the time, Luo Xiaran likes to hide her emotions, so this naturally makes Jun Lie more satisfied.

Naturally, Luo Xiaran would not miss the change in Jun Lie's mood. After taking a deep breath, Luo Xiaran sat up from Jun Lie's arms. The restrictions cannot tell you, but when our wedding is going on, the system prompts that it can be bound with you."

"At that time, I planned to discuss it with you later before making a decision, but due to a sudden change at the wedding, Lu Tongtong, the light-type power user, was not there, so I directly made a decision for you."

"The existence of the inn is based on the system. I got the system before the apocalypse, so I will work hard to collect crystal nuclei after the apocalypse. Crystal nuclei and gold, silver and jade can be exchanged for system energy, but system energy is a pity to build a system, give birth, etc. Wait."

"Even the so-called space ability before is just a system backpack. Now, you can also use the system backpack." Speaking of this, Luo Xiaran took a deep breath, and then said: "Because the system's ability is very Powerful, so after being bound to the system, as long as the inn is still there, I will not grow old, and even if I am seriously injured, as long as I return to the inn, I can get good treatment."

"Because after being bound to the system, you won't grow old or die. I'm sorry, I made a selfish decision for you. But I don't want you to leave me, even if you will hate what I did today in the future." Said In the end, Luo Xiaran's mood sank again.If the person who has always loved her is full of hatred, Luo Xiaran is not sure, what should she do at that time...

 Scheduled release~ la la la ~ it will be one o'clock in the morning.
(End of this chapter)

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