Chapter 613 I'll Help You
Although she could feel Jun Lie's sudden joy, Luo Xiaran still couldn't perceive the specific reason, so after looking at Jun Lie suspiciously, she prepared to take off her wedding dress.

Because she was in a hurry to leave the inn and tore the skirt of the wedding dress, the beautiful wedding dress had lost its previous beauty.I feel a little regretful, after all, Jun Lie personally prepared this for her, and originally planned to keep it in a collection.

"I'll help you." Sensing the regret in Luo Xiaran's heart, Jun Lie walked forward with the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and gently helped Luo Xiaran take off her wedding dress while talking.

Luo Xiaran's skin was fair, but against the fiery red background, Jun Lie felt extremely beautiful.The burning kiss fell on Luo Xiaran's shoulder, and Jun Lie also felt a sense of regret.

After all, after the wedding was over, it was supposed to be their wedding day.After enduring for so long, he finally saw the dawn of hope, but now he died again, how could he not make Jun Lie feel overwhelmed.

But nothing is more important than Luo Xiaran's safety, right?Since those people dared to attack Luo Xiaran so blatantly at their wedding, then don't blame him for wanting to crush them.

The existence of the safe zone is only for Luo Xiaran. Since some people are restless now, the big deal is to recruit a group of survivors.Anyway, they had sufficient supplies and weapons, and they were not afraid of any threats even to their strength. For Luo Xiaran's safety, Jun Lie didn't mind being treated like a tyrant or a mad dog.

With great willpower, he retracted the hand that was caressing Luo Xiaran's delicate skin. After Jun Lie took off the wedding dress for Luo Xiaran, he also began to unbutton his suit.Although the previous wound has healed, the blood stains left on the suit still make people feel a little worried.

Finally, after changing clothes for 10 minutes, the two walked out of the small building hand in hand.Noticing the pavilions in front of him, a hint of surprise flashed in Jun Lie's eyes. Although he knew that the inn must not only be seen from the outside, but seeing it with his own eyes, it still feels very magical.

"I'll take you for a stroll when I'm done." Luo Xiaran said with a smile while holding Jun Lie's hand.In fact, when the system was activated for the first time, Luo Xiaran also felt very magical, but this was the second time in this life, and after seeing the scene for decades, she was used to everything in the backyard of the inn.

"Okay, then I'll work hard later." Since Luo Xiaran is interested, Jun Lie will naturally not refuse.The two came to the inn in front while feeling the feelings in each other's hearts.

The Jun family in the inn was looking forward to it, but unfortunately, in order to avoid disturbing Luo Xiaran's treatment for Jun Lie, no one went upstairs to disturb him.But at this moment, seeing Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran coming out from behind, he was extremely surprised.After all, except for Luo Xiaran, no one could enter the inn before.

"How's it going?" Xiao Zhenyan hurried forward after the two appeared. Although Jun Lie looked good and could move freely, Xiao Zhenyan was still a little worried.

"It's okay, it's been cured by Ranran. So how's the investigation going?" Jun Lie smiled back, then pulled Luo Xiaran to sit at the table, looking at Juncheng, Junyi, and Qi Zichun who were gathered together others asked.

You must know that all the guests attending the wedding had undergone identity checks, but now they suddenly launched an attack, and Jun Lie had to suspect that there was someone with ulterior motives in their team.

 Scheduled release~ Qingshui, Qingshui~ so wedding candles and everything are floating clouds~
(End of this chapter)

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