Chapter 614 Long Dead
"Lu Tongtong and Chu Hao have been found, they are upstairs in the previous hotel. They are unconscious. Please ask Dongfang Kang'an to check them. They are poisoned. Fortunately, Lu Tongtong's light ability can restrain them. Toxin, so it won't take long to wake up." Xiao Zhenyan said with a serious expression upon hearing this.

It's also fortunate that the other party only used poison on Lu Tongtong and Chu Hao. If it was used on the entire wedding venue, then they might really have been slaughtered.

It's a pity that it will take some time for Lu Tongtong to wake up, otherwise he can find some beneficial information from Lu Tongtong's mouth.As for the group of people who attacked before, because they knew their looks, they had already arranged for them to arrest them, but they didn't know what was going on now.

They all gathered in the inn to wait for the news because they were worried that Jun Lie was seriously injured and would not be treated well.But fortunately, all the team leaders are level [-] supernatural beings, and now they can't leave the city, so Xiao Zhenyan is not worried that anyone will escape.

As for the fact that the opponent deliberately attacked Lu Tongtong first, Xiao Zhenyan suspected that it was because of Lu Tongtong's healing ability.If it was Luo Xiaran who was shot before, then without Lu Tongtong's treatment, Luo Xiaran, who was seriously injured and unable to treat herself, would have to die in the end, right?

However, Lu Tongtong and Chu Hao were left in the hotel probably because it was inconvenient to take them away.After all, because of the wedding, the hotel was full of people from the Jun family, and the wedding was held at a fixed time. If something was detected in advance, there would be no way to attack Luo Xiaran.

In the safe zone, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie rarely act alone.Moreover, Luo Xiaran spends most of her time in the inn that cannot be broken into, so the wedding is the easiest place to kill Luo Xiaran.

And the fact is true, Luo Xiaran moved slowly at the wedding, and her attention was not focused on the wedding.Xiao Zhenyan didn't know whether she was happy or what. After all, under normal circumstances, Luo Xiaran with mental abilities should be able to easily detect the existence of murderous intent and danger.

Regarding Xiao Zhenyan's conjecture, it was naturally impossible for Luo Xiaran to say that she was surprised by the system.When he heard that Lu Tongtong and Chu Hao were just unconscious, he was also slightly relieved.In any case, Lu Tongtong, a light-type supernatural being, is very important to them.

After a group of people waited silently for about half an hour, the team that led the arrest team came back without finding anything.Everyone in the team looked expressionless, but after noticing that Jun Lie had recovered, they still missed a smile.

"Boss, the man has been found, but he has already died, but because the weather is too cold, the exact time can't be calculated." The leading fire-type power user came in front of Jun Lie and the others, and reported.

Although it is not certain when these people died, at least one thing can be known, that is, these people must not be the same person as those who attended the wedding before.After all, the blood in the house has already solidified, even if there is an acceleration of the weather, it has been a while.

"Dead? What did you use to kill him?" Hearing this, Jun Lie frowned.Sure enough, it was a premeditated attack. If he hadn't blocked the attack for Luo Xiaran, Luo Xiaran, who couldn't return to the inn in time, might be seriously injured.

 Regular release~ Guess who made it~
(End of this chapter)

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