Chapter 617
Although some clues were found, it is a pity that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie did not expect too much because of the frequent flow of people in the safe zone. They just released the portrait of the woman. Anyway, let's look for it first. Bar.

After exiting Lu Tongtong's guest room, Luo Xiaran and the two returned to the lobby and handed the portrait to Xiao Zhenyan.The next question requires the mobilization of the entire Jun family, but before that, the first thing to do is to confirm that the members of the Jun family are still those players.

Fortunately, the Jun family itself has a set of secret actions or items to confirm the identity. Even though the Lieyan Mercenary Group has recruited many outsiders, the identity confirmation is still very fast.

After the entire team had no problems, Jun Lie and the others breathed a sigh of relief.After all, Luo Xiaran's secret has been known by many people in the Lieyan Mercenary Group, and it would be really dangerous if it was leaked out by someone with a heart.

"Let's start checking the people in the safe zone. I didn't care about them before, but now it seems that I can't let it go any longer. But I can pass on the news that I was seriously injured, so that we can see who will be restless." Jun Lie Holding Luo Xiaran in his arms, he said with a serious expression.

At first, he just didn't want Luo Xiaran to see his bloody side, but it seemed that because of this, the people in the safe zone misunderstood him.You must know that even if Jun Lie comes from a military family, he is not a good person, otherwise he would not have been in the arms reselling business before, would he?
Since some people don't want him to have a better life, then of course Jun Lie won't let others have a better life either.What about bloody violence?As long as Luo Xiaran doesn't care, Jun Lie doesn't care even more.

So since today, Jun Lie has become a 'tyrant', and the entire safe zone is like an iron bucket. As long as he has not lived enough, no one dares to make small moves in the safe base of Jun's family.Because of following Jun Lie's orders, the Jun family has an attitude that they would rather kill by mistake than let go of anyone who wants to move.

And because the safe base of the Jun family can continuously send out supplies, even if some people feel dissatisfied, those who keep their own place are still grateful to Jun Lie.After all, without this safe base, they would not have a stable life in the last days.

At this time, Luo Xiaran naturally knew nothing about it. After Xiao Zhenyan and others received the order to leave, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie returned to the backyard.Originally, Luo Xiaran wanted to use the meteorite to cultivate with Jun Lie, but when Jun Lie threw him on the bed, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but blushed.

She closed her eyes full of shyness and excitement, not daring to look at Jun Lie's affectionate and fiery eyes, and allowed Jun Lie to take off his clothes little by little, and then there was a charming room, Jun Lie finally got his wish He devoured Luo Xiaran.

Although Jun Lie had great perseverance, Luo Xiaran's taste was so delicious that Jun Lie couldn't bear it. In the end, even after the post-apocalyptic training, Luo Xiaran still couldn't bear it and fell into a coma.

When Luo Xiaran woke up again, she was woken up by her hungry stomach.He was sore and wanted to get up, but before Luo Xiaran could move, Jun Lie helped Luo Xiaran to sit up.

Letting Luo Xiaran snuggle into his arms, Jun Lie took the red date soup made by the cook and fed it to Luo Xiaran bit by bit.Until Luo Xiaran, who had recovered a little bit, healed herself, looking at the delicate skin that had no traces, Jun Lie couldn't help turning into a wolf again...

 Scheduled release~ La la la la, pull the light~ But the healing ability is super useful, right, hehehe~
(End of this chapter)

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