Chapter 618 Found someone
The man who started the meat didn't have that much control, so until the third day, if Xiao Zhenyan hadn't let the big shopkeeper pass the message, it is estimated that Jun Lie would not have let her come out so quickly.

Using the healing ability to erase the hickey marks on her neck, Luo Xiaran, who has a long memory, will not deal with the marks on her body this time.After all, every time she healed the marks, Jun Lie would leave marks more frequently, so Luo Xiaran would not do that again without Jun Lie speaking, otherwise she would be the one who was tormented.

In the lobby, Xiao Zhenyan and others were sitting at the dining table.Noticing Luo Xiaran who was walking slowly, Jun Yi couldn't help showing a shifty smile, but considering Jun Lie who was following Luo Xiaran, Jun Yi didn't dare to make fun of them.

"I found someone." Xiao Zhenyan, as a newly married man, of course knew what Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran had done.But he wasn't a little kid like Jun Yi, so naturally he wouldn't show anything, but there was still a hint of teasing in the way he looked at Jun Lie.After all, Jun Lie finally got rid of his virginity~
"Oh? Are you sure? It couldn't be that she used her powers on other people. After all, she knew that the security base would not be safe after the attack, so why did she still use that face?" Hearing this, Jun Lie frowned. Brows, wondering if this is the other party's intention to set up doubts.

"He came to the safe zone before the heavy snowfall, and was seen by the guards. It was because you sent a message to pay attention to Feng Yuman, so he was noticed." Xiao Zhenyan understood Jun Lie's meaning, explained.

"The other party entered the city with Feng Yuman's team. Although I'm not sure what relationship she has with Feng Yuman, but after a few days of observation, the previous assassination may not have something to do with Feng Yuman. You want I know that women will do a lot of crazy things for love."

Hearing the name Feng Yuman again, Luo Xiaran immediately became irritable.Sure enough, she had an affair with this woman, but she didn't expect that the other party would kill her.

But thinking about it, with Feng Yuman's temperament, it's no wonder he would do such an irrational thing when he heard the news that she and Jun Lie were going to get married.After all, in Feng Yuman's eyes, Jun Lie is already in her pocket, right?

Sensing Luo Xiaran's emotional change, Jun Lie took Luo Xiaran's hand and kissed it, and then asked: "Are you sure that the person is with Feng Yuman? Is there anything else unusual?"

"Well, the person is indeed there. But she often acts with another woman, and there is no way to find out the identity of that woman." If Xiao Zhenyan hadn't confirmed it, it would be impossible to disturb the happy life of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's newly married life up.

"Did you find out how it disappeared from outside the hotel last time? And did you find out the poisoned supernatural person or doctor?" Jun Lie frowned and continued to ask.

In order to avoid alarming the enemy, if he could not be sure what method they used, Jun Lie would not be able to rashly arrange for people to catch them out.If one is being released, there may be endless troubles.This time, Jun Lie would absolutely not allow that to happen again.

"At present, it can be confirmed that it is an invisible person with at least level three. I was too worried in the hotel before, so I found some traces during the investigation. The others still need to be observed for a few days." Xiao Zhenyan He shook his head slightly and said.After all, after the end of the world, there are many kinds of supernatural abilities that cannot be confirmed, so even if the team members find someone, they can only observe carefully.

 Regular release~Thanks for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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