Chapter 619 Let me do it
"No, why don't you let me do it." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, and said with a cold light in her eyes.The other party hurt Jun Lie, Luo Xiaran naturally couldn't bear it any longer.

Although it may be troublesome for the team members, don't forget that Luo Xiaran has the fragrance of ten lixiang and the mental power enough to create hallucinations.As long as the location of these people is known, then other problems will not be a problem.

Seeing this, Jun Lie raised his eyebrows, but in the end he had no intention of rejecting Luo Xiaran.After all, Luo Xiaran expressed in her heart that she wanted to avenge herself, so Jun Lie was naturally happy.

What's more, Jun Lie also believed in Luo Xiaran's ability very much. Even the ability of close combat might not be a big deal for Luo Xiaran, but psychic powers are invisible and colorless, unless they are people with psychic abilities, it is difficult to detect them.

Ever since he suffered from Psychic Powers with Ping Minnan, Jun Lie has become more vigilant against Psychic Powers.What's more, it's not like Luo Xiaran didn't use Jun Lie to experiment with psychic abilities. Even if he was on guard, Jun Lie still easily fell into Luo Xiaran's hallucinations.

Fortunately, it is not easy for psychic powers to advance, and the number is small. Otherwise, if there are a few more psychic powers, these high-level powers will be very dangerous.

"Well, it saves a lot of trouble." Xiao Zhenyan nodded with a smile. In fact, he certainly hoped that Luo Xiaran would make a move, but considering Jun Lie's sake, Xiao Zhenyan would not speak of this matter himself.

What's more, after getting rid of prejudice and vigilance, Luo Xiaran has to say that she is really suitable for Jun Lie.Although she may be younger, but she is experienced, capable, and has a steady stream of supplies. Naturally, she is the best candidate for the mistress of the Jun family.

What's more, Luo Xiaran is very defensive and treats her family very well.Under Jun Lie's arrangement, all the members of the team experienced a life in the last days without people with spatial abilities by their side, and even Xiao Zhenyan deeply realized the importance of Luo Xiaran.

"As long as you are sure no one is leaving, then do it. I want to ask, who gave them such courage." Seeing that Jun Lie and the others had no intention of refusing, Luo Xiaran curled her lips in satisfaction. .

Although the woman killed the man she was following because of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's design, Luo Xiaran didn't think it was so easy for a woman to know about it.After all, what they did back then was very covert, but it is not ruled out that Wu Wenfeng will leak some news.

However, although he had a lot of doubts in his heart, before there was no evidence, Luo Xiaran would not let this kind of thing affect their cooperation with Wu Wenfeng.After all, there is still a branch in City H, and now it has finally entered the profit-making stage. Luo Xiaran doesn't want any problems to arise easily there.

"Although the snow has stopped, the temperature is getting lower and lower, so no one will go out of the city under such circumstances, which will only arouse suspicion." Xiao Zhenyan was naturally dissatisfied with the fact that someone hurt Jun Lie, Now that there is a way to catch them, naturally he will not hesitate any longer, and stood up after finishing speaking.

Afterwards, Jun Lie and the others also stood up, and they rode two cars and quickly headed towards the place they had explored before.When they noticed this location, everyone found that from the upper floor here, you can directly observe an inn in the distance...

 Scheduled release~ Rolling and selling cute, please support~
(End of this chapter)

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