Chapter 620 All Resolved
Entering the villa with psychic powers, you can find that there are about 1000 people living in the villa.When she found the three women gathered in the bedroom, Luo Xiaran narrowed her eyes slightly.

From this point of view, Feng Yuman's entire staff should not be here.After confirming the existence of the main target, Luo Xiaran swept her mental power around the villa, and did not feel relieved until she confirmed that Feng Yuman's staff were in the other surrounding villas.

"How is it?" Although Xiao Zhenyan, a person with mental abilities, has evolved in the brain domain, he was the first to notice it when Luo Xiaran used his psychic abilities.

"There are also Feng Yuman's people in the other buildings. There are about 500 people. I can't be sure that they didn't participate in the murder. It's up to you to decide whether to stay or not." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran said.

Anyway, the people sitting in the car were all people who knew that she had psychic powers, and they were also Jun Lie's closest brothers and friends. Of course, Luo Xiaran would not hide it from them.What's more, these are smart people, and they know very well what can be said and what can't be said.

"Get rid of them all, just leave the supernatural core behind." Although Jun Lie heard the number of people, he ordered everyone to be eliminated without blinking.

Anyway, he doesn't lack such a few survivors, not to mention that as long as there is even the slightest sign of danger, Jun Lie will strangle them to death in the bud, so as to prevent Luo Xiaran from encountering any danger.

Feeling Jun Lie's mood, Luo Xiaran sighed slightly in her heart, took Jun Lie's hand and groped for a few times, but she didn't intend to plead for mercy.First of all, these people have nothing to do with her, and she can't be sure whether these people participated in the assassination, so why affect her and Jun Lie's mood for insignificant people?

Although this seems a bit cold-blooded, the most worthless thing in the last days is human life.Besides, winners and losers, if you want to blame, you can only blame them for having bad eyesight and following the wrong people.

Seeing that Luo Xiaran didn't refute him, Jun Lie couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth, feeling a lot happier.He has always been most concerned about Luo Xiaran's feelings, and now it seems that he really knows Luo Xiaran too one-sidedly.

After all, Jun Lie didn't feel any discomfort or disgust in Luo Xiaran's heart. From this point of view, the ability to make them 'heart-to-heart' is really good.

"In that case, then I'll do it." Luo Xiaran tightened her winter coat, opened the door and got out of the car.Because there is no wind today, although the temperature is still very cold, it will not affect Luo Xiaran's ability to perform.

Luo Xiaran was helped by Junyi, a wind-type supernatural being, and then the scent of ten lixiang in clusters entered several villas bit by bit, and finally made the people in the villas fall into hallucinations.

Following Jun Lie's gesture, the team members lurking around began to attack the surrounding villas.Since everyone was hallucinated by the scent of ten lixiang, the attack did not encounter any resistance, as if harvesting, simple and fast.

"Okay, let's go in too." Seeing that other people had already launched an attack on the team she observed, Luo Xiaran took Jun Lie's hand and walked towards Feng Yuman's villa step by step... …

 Timely release~ Now is a society ruled by law, this story is purely fictitious~ Dear friends, be sure to be true~
(End of this chapter)

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